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From Randomramblings

Revision as of 22:24, 25 October 2006 by Narth (Talk | contribs)
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Narth is a user. He resides in Guildford, England, and lived as the executive vice dogsbody in a call centre. He was recently promoted to dogsbody coordinator.


Narth is proficient in SATAN SATAN SATAN SATAN

Narth doesn't actually add much to the wiki. Infact this is the wiki's first vanity page. In RR terms, he is composed 90% of lurker, 5% non sequitur and 4% usual poster with the rest being made of cherry and vannilla.


To summon Narth, you need to swim backwards down the river Grpeierj in Soldokasloveniastan and sing the secret verse of the can can. Then press a and start. Or b and c. Yes, 16 bit.

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