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From Randomramblings
“Janus? Fuck, he's here? Quick, hide me!”
~ Oscar Wilde on Janus
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His full title is "Lord Janus", but thanks to a hazy and ill-defined past, it is not known what, exactly, he is Lord of. He joined the Kingdom of Loathing on Christmas Eve of 2004, and later joined the forums on the second of the following February. He didn't make his entrance into Random Ramblings for another month or so, but thanks to the infamous Kenny 4 Prez thread, he soon made an equally infamous name for himself.
To this day, Janus still hangs around RR, terrorizing newcomers and veterans alike. He's also a regular in the IRRC. Lol IRC. He is also a notable postwhore, surpassing even Doom Inductor, to weigh in at the fifth-highest postcount of the forums.
The Man Behind the Mask
Janus is, in non-intarweb reality, a poor Mainah college student, living in a well-furnished cave in a section of woods just within range of his school's wireless signal; allowing him to connect to the internets. He can often be seen hunting small animals for food and clothing, and as winter nears, gathering wood and siphoning gas from cars in a nearby dorm parking lot.
His large, six foot four body and wild mane of hair have occasionally led him to be mistaken for Bigfoot.
Exploits and Habits
Janus is rarely seen without his sword(s) and fedora, and is widely considered a psychotic madman. He prefers to think of it as a healthy obsession with "seeing people go 'splat'" however, and ignores the accusations of those around him.
In recent months, he has taken up the habit of satisfying his nether-regions by "secksing people in the head". Otherwise known as "skullfucking," this habit is scorned, and feared, by many.
Janus hates pants. Long ago, in one of his travels, he came across a lone monestary in a European mountain range. The place had long fallen into a state of disrepair, but Janus found an underground chamber that had obviously been heavily guarded. He ventured within, to find a single scroll of yellowed paper sitting upon a stone pedestall. Upon it was written the tale of the Anglo-Pantalooian War, a war between the early Anglo-Saxons and the first members of the now gigantic race of intelligent pants. This scroll told the terrible secret of the legwear that most of the world enjoys, and Janus cast off his pants at that very moment in horror and disgust.
Janus traveled the world for many years after this, observing the pants' plan, while trying to spread the word of their evil at the same time. His word has not reached kind ears, however, but he is ever vigilant in his quest.
It is says that Janus in fact, has a penus, thus further proving that most men do in fact have them. Though it is not as big as oh_no_shrubs penus, it still exists in his pelvis. For editing this section into Janus's article, shrubs is probably going to be subject to skullfucking, but it doesn't matter, because Shrubs's penus is still larger, despite how many times his skull is fucked.
Janus is not going to retaliate to this, however, because he is secure in his masculinity, and knows that it's not the size the counts, but the skill with which you use it.
![]() | This user is a filthy commie. |