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The Editable Wiki

From Randomramblings

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==Arts Career==
==Arts Career==
[[Image:Toaster.jpg|An Example of later art.]]
Tew is a not very well known writer. He was insane when he wrote, and has made several works, one very sucessful, dubbed [[The Ramblings of a Mad-Man]]. Tew has said that he may or may not release it on the RR Wiki.
Tew is a not very well known writer. He was insane when he wrote, and has made several works, one very sucessful, dubbed [[The Ramblings of a Mad-Man]]. Tew has said that he may or may not release it on the RR Wiki.

Revision as of 03:26, 25 October 2006

“'This account banned for unacceptable an username.

~ Wikipedia on The_Editable_Wiki

“'Mike Jones.

~ The_Editable_Wiki on ITT: We talk like banditos

The_Editable_Wiki is a promenient member of Random Ramblings. He posts a lot, and enjoys the community. See more on his user page. Or visit RR, just bring RUM AND CRUMPITS!


Tew-His name was Tew

Born on TAX DAY, The_Editable_Wiki is the heart and soul of Wikipedia, Uncyclopedia, Encyclopedia Dramatica, and so on throughout the Internet. Knonw by many names, Editable_Wiki, TEW, and TEW, he merrily joins bandwagons and avatar weeks. HOWEVER, the symbol of the Bomb-Omb is his own, and is a living God upon mortals. The point of a Super Mario Brothers Avatar Week is useless, because Tew already depicting the Bomb-Omb.Tew choose his name at random, due to him wanting it so. The name seems to be deserving of his nature, often editing his messages on RR because he makes a lot of typos.

TEW is also a acronym of "Total Extreme Warfare", or Extereme Warfare. This is a wrestling game you probally never heard of. Google it. Google can find answers for you, but never actually tell you what they are.


Tew was born on Tax Day, in the year 1484, during which he decided to become a Level 49 Omb-Kinght for the Crusades in hope of loot and plunder. He was unsucessful, only attaining loot, and several lacerations. It was he who first heard "The Power of Chirst Compells you!". And thus, "The Power of Wikipedia Compells you!" came forth. Or something like that.

Tew is indeed a name of royalty and importance. Tiw is an Anglo-Saxon god, with the charecter of an upward pointing arrow appearing on weaponary, to ensure victoryas determind by the information here. Although there are some diffeences in spelling (Tew, Tiw,Tewe),Tew is a noble and great surname. It is only natrual that The_Editable_Wiki is the first great leader of thisfamily, and established the supremacy of them centuries ago.

Tew discovered Atlantis and was forced to sink it, due to there being no more wine left there to drink. It is believed that Atlantis is the Floating Walrus Kingdom in the Sky, but it is a myth perpetuated by the liberals.

The_Editable_Wiki rules The United Socialist States of The Extended Bomb-Omb, which lies in the Region claimed by Random Ramblings. The United Socialist States of The Extended Bomb-Omb is a huge, environmentally stunning nation, notable for its compulsory military service. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, cynical population of 360 million are rabid consumers, partly through choice and partly because the government tells them to and dissenters tend to vanish from their homes at night. It is determined that this nation will perservere until the end of time, and then reincarnate to its former glory in a millenia.

Tew now resides in a hamelt somewhere in the United States(Ruling The Extended Bomb-Omb at his home quarters), and most definatley not is in New Jersey. New Jersey is the American equivelant of Hell. Watch out for Megas XLR when you're there.

The Power of Wikipedia Compells You!

The_Editable_Wiki usually likes to find information throughout his vast empire that comeplls you to look at it now. Due to this, we are Wikipedia remind you to use the word Wiki whenever you are looking for information.

Tew has not yet started a religion, seemeing as Tew doesn't quite believe in most relgions passionately. He is currently member of the Church of Janus, and aids the church finaclly. Tew is still alive. The rumors of suicide are false.

The Power of Wikipedia Compells you!Tew rules all of the Wikipedia on the Internet.Due to this, Tew would be a very very bust person, and assigned a whole "Goverment System" to the Wikis. as a result, Tew is the Ruler of Wikipedias in title, for the most part (That title being The Grand Fuhrer of Editable Wikipedia), but is able to force a most terrible power onto his empire on a whim. But, Tew has much better things to do, like post in RR, which he does a lot.

Arts Career

File:Toaster.jpg Tew is a not very well known writer. He was insane when he wrote, and has made several works, one very sucessful, dubbed The Ramblings of a Mad-Man. Tew has said that he may or may not release it on the RR Wiki.

Tew has twice made a RPG. Twice they have failed, but twice they had much support. Twice he got bored, and twice they died slowly, and now only some people remember them. They are ZombiesInfestation RPG, and Distant Dungeons RPG.

To a point, The_Editable_Wiki was an artist, but his first attempt failed, but he conjured some power for RR Comics, perhaps one of the most sucessful Bandwagons evah. Tew's comics recieved neither praise nor ridicule, because it was a bandwagon. BEST BANDWAGON EVAH!

Tew was also an anchor of RR New Channel 4, or something like that. Things went well at first, but it ran out of good news, and fell apart. PNB may have had something to do with that. He had no idea about /kick Person Named Bob.



Tew views Bomb-Ombs as great protectors of Might and Magic, who keep [Mormon]s at bay, and always allow a last-ditch conversation option. Bomb-Ombs have offically defeated Cactuars in BOXING!, [RR]s failed attempt at sports, hosted by The_Editable_Wiki. It was an Epic Fail, according to Tew himself, but luckily no one payed much attentition.

Bomb-Ombs are keeping this page from deletion, and are the being of great gods. Bomb-Ombs are best left to their own devices, or they will attack you with the fiery rage of flaming death and explode. That Bomb-Omb will become a martyr, reincarnate, and kill you again until you run out of lives.

The_Editable_Wiki's physical manifestation is most always a Bomb-Omb. Or a Kabuto from Pokemon.

Temporary Insanity

Here lies insanity

Tew lost his mind at one point, that point being in 1984, and retreated to an abandoned church he purchased. He stayed for two decades, one year, and eleven months. There, he has told us that he gathered many leather-bound books, and wrote the Ramblings of a Mad Man, a novel that tells the life story of a man who had it all and degenerated into a serial killer. The manuscript is drastically modified from the published version, but Tew has recently won a lawsuit saying he was censored and won rights to the book.

After ridding his mind of horrible and cursed thoughts, he emerged, and immedientally finding Random Ramblings on the Internet. Most who know him fear he will go crazy again, and kill everyone, but has yet to do so.


By sucessfully completeing the game the first time, you unlock the following:

  • Bomb-Omb Rush mini-game; a Cart Racing game with all of the Random Rambling charecters to choose from, each with their own diffrent strengths and weaknesses.
  • RR Monopoly; where you can play Monopoly online with RRians, some of which may be Russians, and one most defientally a communist.

Also, you are unlock Arcade mode, Gundam XII, and Pac-Man.There is a 1% chance of causing Nuclear Winter, and a 100% of recieving an Epic Fail, try again? message unpon losing an part of The Game.

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