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A veron looks remarkably like a fox, but may have any fur color or eye color.

Biological Characteristics and Abilities

Verons are biologically very similar to a normal fox, except for a flame sac located in their belly that allows them to breathe fire.


In terms of personality, verons are like humans in this respect, except they tend more toward good alignment. Another notable difference is their extremely high willpower.

Habitat and Society

Verons tend to live in forests and establish small towns complete with a small force of fighters, a healer, a chief, teachers, et cetera.

Notable Verons

To be filled out later.

Verons as Adventurers

Verons do make a good addition to an adventuring team. Their ability to breathe fire can prove to be a powerful asset. They are also hard to hit. Though they are small and take more damage from hits, their high willpower is enough to offset this to at least some degree.

Veron characters

Draco Blazer

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