QuestPortal Is Not A Copy Of Pokémon

From Questportal

Revision as of 01:36, 16 September 2007 by (Talk)
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Before you come beating on the door yelling about how I'm copying pokemon, listen to all these differences.


  • PortalPets appear outside battle and can speak English, unlike most Pokemon
  • PortalPets aren't captured. Instead you have to convince them to join you.
  • Just because I had several "versions" of my game doesn't mean I'm copying pokemon
  • Another good point is that battling PortalPets is simply a Sub-plot to the game. The main focus is to master all the elements.
  • There are many different element types of most PortalPets. Not so with Pokemon.
  • You can pick your side in QP.
  • The only similarities are the concept of mythical creatures acting as guardians and helping you fight.
  • For some battles, you simply use you Element Skills against a person who is using a PortalPet, or vice versa.
  • You can also battle-without Portalpets-against someone who also doesn't have any PortalPets.
  • You can battle-WITH PortalPets- against someone who does.

I have finished. I hope it is quite clear that QuestPortal is not a copy of Pokemon, although partially inspired by it.

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