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From Questportal

Revision as of 01:25, 7 August 2007 by LordMurzon (Talk | contribs)

Welcome to QuestPedia, the QuestPortal knowledge-base that anyone can edit.

We're currently working on 37 articles about QuestPortal.

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Featured Hero

Frost, by DocterX

Frost is the king of IceLand, taking the place of Emperor Ice. He is the successor of King Ice and is a benevolent ruler. He is quite young to be king; just about fifteen years old. (more)

Featured Villain

Cackle Bunny, by MurzonD'ICE...

A Northern Brown Cacklebunny, in all its grotesque glory.

Cackle Bunny is a very disturbing creature: a rabbit the size of a man with a gigantic Joker grin. It has a sick sense of humor and carries two weapons: One is an Egg Gun that merely encases the victim in an egg. The other is a Deadly Egg Gun that encases its victim in an egg filled with poison that kills the victim and makes him/her sprout huge bunny ears (more)

Wiki Stuff

  • Places - All The places in QuestPortal.
  • Allies - There is more than one hero!
  • Enemies - Every villain in QuestPortal.
  • Items - All the stuff you'll ever collect.
  • Species - Face it, there's a lot of species.

Featured Official Story

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