Washing Protocol for Live Glassware

From Protists

Revision as of 16:04, 18 April 2010 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
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  • Only wash dishes using LIVE sinks and cleaning supplies such as brushes and soap!!!
  • Change soapy rinse in tupperware container #1 after each use, but only change RO rinses in tupperware containers #2 and #3 if they have been used 3 or more times or if they begin to look dirty


  1. Rinse out glassware with tap water until most large particulates are removed
  2. Put tap water in glassware tupperware container #1 or directly into large pieces of glassware
  3. Put 1-2 scoopfuls of the special soap near the sink directly into large glassware or into the tupperware container #1 (more soap is located underneath the sink in the culture room)
  4. Allow the glassware to soak for 15-30min if there is not much residue left from cultures or media, or 1hr-overnight for glassware with lots of residue
  5. Scrub the glassware thoroughly until all residue is removed and be sure to remove any labels
  6. Rinse the glassware 3x's with tap water to remove any remaining soap
  7. Put RO water in glassware tupperware container #2 or directly into large pieces of glassware for 15-30min
  8. Remove RO water from glassware (down drain or back in tupperware container #2)
  9. Rinse off glassware with fresh RO water if necessary
  10. Put RO water in glassware tupperware container #3 or directly into large pieces of glassware for 15-30min
  11. Invert glassware on diaper paper and allow to dry
  12. Autoclave on gravity/dry cycle if the glassware is dried completely or on liquid cycle (30min sterilization) if there is still moisture in glassware
  13. Store clean/autoclaved glassware in cabinet in the culture room if they are not required immediately (leave autoclave indicator tape on them until they are used)
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