Kpn Plates

From Protists

Revision as of 14:55, 20 February 2009 by Christina (Talk | contribs)
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Add the following ingredients to a 1-L flasks as follows:

Agar 20.0 g
Yeast Extract 4.0 g
Glucose 0.16 g
Distilled H2O 800 mL
  1. Autoclave for 45 minutes at 121C.
  2. Allow to cool until it is cool enough to pour into plates (petri dishes) and warm enough not to solidify (~50C)
  3. Pour into plates under the hood. Put the plate covers angled over the top of the plates.
  4. Allow the plates to cool under the hood.
  5. Put the plate covers on and stack the plates in the empty petri dish sleeve upside-down.
  6. Close the sleeve with tape and label as "Kpn plates" on the tape.
  7. Store in the 4C walk-in fridge.
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