Cumulative Culture Inventory.xls

From Protists

Revision as of 20:58, 20 February 2008 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
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  • the updated and ready-to-be-used cumulative culture inventory excel sheet is now on the FarmerLab PC desktop, so please start using it to look up cultures, update it and generally familiarize yourself with it
    • there are three main sheets (the tabs at the bottom) that you will edit/use/refer to (UGA_Flasks, UGA Cultures, UGA&MSU Cultures)
    • some of the columns are locked into place (horizontal and vertical), but others aren't so be sure to scroll to the left/right & up/down to view any hidden columns
    • some cells/columns are duplicated in several sheets and if you change something in one sheet you might have copy the changes and put them in the respective cells in the other sheets (if cultures change incubator locations, if cultures die, if cultures change from a small flask to a big flask, etc.)
    • we will no longer be using the old culture inventory or big flask excel sheets since the different worksheets encompass all of that information
    • BE SURE WHEN YOU EDIT ITEMS THAT YOU ARE IN THE CORRECT TAB BEFORE YOU SAVE!!! (you don't want to overwrite any information and have it lost)
    • BE SURE WHEN YOU EDIT ITEMS THAT YOU ARE EDITING THE CORRECT ORGANISM!!! (check both 3letter code and true name and make sure it makes sense)
    • if you need to look for a culture that you are not sure of, check in the UGA&MSU Cultures tab/sheet because it is the history of everything that has ever been in our lab or the MSU lab (if there is a 3letter code that has been used in the past, don't use it on another different organism!)...any organisms we haven't had in our lab don't have a 3 letter code and are marked as gray
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