
From Prostrike

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Who we are

Pro Strike is an online gaming team or "clan." We pride ourselves on our professionalism and class, taking care not only to be ace gamers, but mature and respectful, as well. A higher standard that we would like to see other teams emulate.

To us, professionalism means more than just surpassing typical gaming capability. It also means having class. We aren't just good at what we do-- we respect the competitors we play against, no matter their level of proficiency.

When we say that we're professional, we aren't saying that we're faster than you at Need for Speed: Pro Street, or that we can rack up more frags than you in Unreal Tournament. It means that we hold ourselves to a higher standard. We don't cheat or play dirty, and if someone beats us, we congratulate them on their victory. We show respect to other competitors, and even give friendly tips to newer players. We are professional in everything we do-- not just our ability.

Basic structure

The team is made up of Members, Officers, and Leaders, each of which have their own privileges. Pro Strike is a very community-based team, so everyone has a say in any changes made to the team (including introducing or removing members). The privileges that members receive are in regards to the passing of Motions. An overview is given here, but please see the Bylaws article for an in-depth discussion.


May suggest (or "move") a Motion. May concur with a Motion. May object [with] a Motion, and oppose an objection. May participate in any discussion regarding a Motion.


As per Member (may suggest, concur, and object a Motion, and oppose an objection), an Officer may also Challenge a Motion, and oppose a challenge. They may also overturn an objection.


As per Officer (may suggest, concur, object, and challenge a Motion, and may oppose or overturn an objection) a Leader may also Veto a Motion. They may also oppose or overturn a challenge, as well as Forward a Motion.


Pro Strike is divided into three basic divisions: the Speed Division, Combat Division, and Chivalry Division. A member of the team may be a member of any or all divisions.

Members must meet the requirements to qualify for a Division. All Members of the team are members of at least one Division. Once you qualify as a Division member, you may represent Pro Strike in any games under that Division (there is no need to re-qualify for each game). The reason for this is that players typically tend to play well at all games within a specific genre if they can play one game well in that genre. This is why we've split the team into three Divisions, rather than requiring members to re-qualify for every game.

Speed Division

The Speed Division is for those members who play the racing games Pro Strike supports. Members of the Speed Division are called Racers. Typically, to make the Speed Division, one needs to be very fast at racing games, and show an aptitude for following the correct racing line. Also, one must exemplify fair play (as always); no bumping other racers or other dirty tactics.

Combat Division

The Combat Division is for those members who play the First Person Shooter games Pro Strike supports. Members of the Combat Division are called Soldiers. To make the Combat Division, one must be very skilled and quick at fragging one's opponents. One must also exemplify fair play (as always); no camping except for servers that explicitly allow it, and no spawn-killing or other dirty tactics.

Chivalry Division

The Chivalry Division is for those members who play the MMORPG games Pro Strike supports. Members of the Chivalry Division are called Knights. To make the Chivalry Division, one must show a desire to roleplay, and exemplify fair play in PK battles.

See also

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