
From Prostrike

Revision as of 02:20, 30 November 2007 by Squarecircle (Talk | contribs)
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To us, professionalism means more than just surpassing typical gaming capability. It also means having class. We aren't just good at what we do-- we respect the competitors we play against, no matter their level of proficiency.

When we say that we're professional, we aren't saying that we're faster than you at Need for Speed: Pro Street, or that we can rack up more frags than you in Unreal Tournament. It means that we hold ourselves to a higher standard. We don't cheat or play dirty, and if someone beats us, we congratulate them on their victory. We show respect to other competitors, and even give friendly tips to newer players. We are professional in everything we do-- not just our ability.

Basic gaming conduct

  • Never cheat, and never play dirty.
  • Show respect to other players and team members.
  • Refrain from spreading rumors and smear campaigns about others.

Site conduct

  • Make only minor edits to the wiki without consent from the team.
  • Major edits should involve the passing of a Motion.
  • Use the talk/discussion pages when in doubt.
  • Behave.
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