Sto unification/1

From Prologstandard

Revision as of 18:00, 17 May 2007 by ParkerJones (Talk | contribs)
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Name is unintuitive.

ISO Standard

3.165 STO: Subject to occurs-check (see 7.3.3)
7.3.3 Subject to occurs-check (STO) and not subject to occurs-check (STO)
A set of equations (or two terms) is "subject to occurs-check" (STO) iff there exists a way to proceed through the steps of the Herbrand Algorithm such that 7.3.2 g happens.
7.3.2 g) If there is an equation of the form X = t such that X is a variable ant t is a non-variable term which contains this variable, then exit with failure (not unifiable, positive occurs-check).


  • Keep existing name
  • Add new name
  • Keep and add new name


  • occurs_check/1
  • cyclic_unify(fail)
  • cyclic_unify(cyclic)
  • cyclic_unify(unsafe)
  • subject_to_occurs_check_unification/1
  • unification_occurs_check/1
  • unification_subj_to_occurs_check/1
  • cyclic_unification/1
  • occurs_check_violations(fail)
  • occurs_check_violations(unsafe)
  • occurs_check_violations(cyclic)
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