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From Prof Sai

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It comes back when you least expect it:

The link from the forums took you to a web site that told of a con you simply had to get to. Anime Magic con 200! It takes place in a large luxurious hotel in the mountains with lots of courtyards and a garden. When you got there you found that the registration packets contained a page with some strange rules, and a pair of familiar 100 sided dice! But some of the rules were rather different then in the stories you may have heard:

(Note these are the rules for the old EGS forum, and do not reflect adaptation for IRC.)


[edit] How it works

1) When you first post, describe your "default" form before any changes. This should include height, appearance, cup size, outfit and normal CV. It's assumed that you have some combat training or power. If you don't subtract CV as needed. (See info below about what CV is.)

2) You must roll 2d100 EVERY post, but if you shrink below 5 ft, (or your default size, if your default is less then 5 ft.) you can only roll 1d100. If for some reason you roll someone else's dice, you use YOUR height to determine what to roll, even if it effects someone else.

3) If you roll the wrong dice or forget, the next roll by anyone counts for you too. (If you see that the previous roller has forgotten to roll, you may roll separately for him/her. You MUST keep track of what you are and post an update each page.

4) You may only have up to two changes at a time. If you get a third change, you loose the oldest change. But if a change contradicts a newer change, you loose that instead. Your height, outfit and cup size count separately from this since you always have SOME height number, even if it is zero, and females always have a cup size. So your change list will always look like this:

Change 1 Change 2

Height Cup size (or "Male") Current CV: (see below) CV training: Outfit Items

If you get a one-time-use power and use it right away, it doesn't take up a slot.

4.5) Negative height: If for some reason you get negative height, you get flipped on your head. Ignore the negative part and what remains is your actual height. You can just roll over and stand up again.

5) Some changes can get Stuck. You may only have one stuck change. If you get another, you loose the first one. Stuck can be eliminated by body swapping, or any change that says "Reset". If you roll a change that you already have, it becomes stuck. (One time use powers cannot become stuck, nor can outfits.)

6) The timestamp is the minutes digit on the time the forum says you posted. (The digit that would be different every minute.) Some effects use this as an extra random number in addition to dice.

7) If you loose you dice, you may find them again by posting on timestamp 1, 3, or 5. If they are stolen, you must find and fight the person who stole them, or go without for 4 days. You can fight without dice, but cannot roll on the change list.

8) Named changes such as Zoe or Inu Yasha always include height, cup size, CV, outfit, and sometimes include items. (Make a reasonable guess if this info is missing.) but generic ones such as "Fan girl" or "Elf Girl" do not. If these change for you, you must adjust. It's possible to contradict PART of a named change, and retain the rest. For example, if you get Inu Yasha, and then D-cup girl, you would look like a female version of Inu Yasha. Inu Yasha would remain in your change list, and nothing would get bumped out of your two changes in this case. However if you got Inu-Yasha first, then you'd loose any cup size you had unless it was stuck. (Note this is different then how we started this game, hence some of the early posts below do not reflect this behavior.)

9) If given a chance to pick a change or die roll, you can't pick numbers with x by them, unless specified otherwise.

10) If you don't post for 4 days or 4 pages, you are completely reset when you return.

11) Check this page often for rule changes:

[edit] Combat Rules!

Use combat rules to do things like steal dice or items, or drag people to places they don't want to be.

Everyone starts with a combat value (CV) of 10. Adjust as follows:

Female: -1 6+ ft +2 4-4.99.. ft -2 3-3.99.. ft -3 Under 3 ft -6 C-D cup -1 DD cup -2 E cup -4 Restrictive clothes, towel, soap bubbles or nude: -3 or as listed.

The listed CV= for named characters include calculations for the above adjustments, but not the ones below. Calculate changes as they happen. For example, if you roll Inu Yasha (CV=16) and then "E cup girl" you becomes CV=11, or CV=9 if YOUR native form is male. Belldandy's CV =5, but this includes DDs, so if she rolls "E cup girl" her CV only drops to 3, not 1.

Female (not your default) -2 Male in female's clothes -2 Klutz, -5 Starfish, -8 Use Evade move +2 Use Evade move (3-5 ft) +4 Use Evade move (under 3 ft) +0 Use Evade move (Height is irrelevant if you can fly.) +8 Use Cry move - d20+5 Use No defense move. - No roll, you let the attack happen.

To fight:

1) Attacker declares he is attacking and states his combat value.

3) Defender declares Evade or cry move, and rolls d10 for both attacker and defender. (Attacker first) Add current combat values to the rolls. Highest result wins. At the same time, if the defender has dice, he rolls for normal change. This change happens BEFORE the attack, so it's CV effects do apply to this attack.

4) If you attack someone and loose, it is the same as if they attacked you and won. If you attack and roll a 1, con security spots you and throws you out of the con. You may not post for a day! (This does not apply if you are fighting a monster, but monsters CAN be thrown out by security.)

In order to steal someone's CLOTHES, you must defeat them by more then 4. Exception: hats, bags, or other loosely attached items are stolen with a normal combat win. Keitaro syndrome can take any outfit on a normal win.

Evade move means that the person being attacked tries to get away instead of fighting. Attacked player declares Evade when rolling. If successful, attacked does not "win" against attacker, he/she just gets away. You can't use evade move if your mobility is impaired, but can use it while nude ect.

Cry move: To use this you must be female or under 5 ft, you must have a CV at least 7 less then your attacker, and you must be where others can hear you. Can only be used once per day. To use, declare it and roll d 20+5. Success means that someone nearby stopped the attacker from fighting you. If the attacker rolled 1-3, they are thrown out of the con for 2 days. You now must be obedient to the person who saved you.

Attack missing: If you attack someone who fails to respond, there must be a story reason why that character is still present. If so, it is assumed that the missing player uses the "Evade" move and tries to disappear.

Attack NPC: NPC responds with flat d20 unless I've set a secret combat value.

You can't "Take back" an attack once it is declared, even if a die roll radically changes your CV before the defender rolls.

Fighting monsters:

If a monster appears, it attacks every poster until defeted. It continues to attack every poster until defeated - at which point everyone wakes up. If two monsters appear at the same time, they fight each other, and not the players. On ties, both die. If you defeat a monster with a CV higher then yours, you get a permanent +1 CV. However if for any reason you can fight a monster without risk of being knocked unconscious you don't get any benefit from defeating it.

If a monster defeats you: (or you forget to fight it) Timestamp: 2,4,8,0: You are knocked unconscious and cannot post for 6 hours. (But may edit posts) Loose all items. Timestamp: 1,5,7: It takes your outfit, items and dice, 6" of height and makes you female. Cup via timestamp unless you were already larger: 1=D, 5=DD, 7=E. Regain dice as lost dice rules above. Timestamp: 3,6,9: As above, but makes you 1 foot tall and puts you in a box. You can't start looking for your dice until you escape the box by fighting it. It's CV=2, no effect if you loose. If several people are in the box, you can work together by adding your CVs to the strongest player (minimum 1 CV added, must post that you are helping someone.) A player outside the box can find it by posting "search" on timestamp 1-4)

[edit] Items

Some rolls give you items. You may carry or discard items, or steel them from others. You can introduce an ordinary real-life item yourself simply by writing about it. Example: You can write "I throw a beer bottle at X" However, such items can not have any game effect, so that example is treated as an ordinary attack via the combat rules above. You can have multiple items, but please be at least semi-realistic about how much you can carry and move around, and what you might happen to have on you at a given moment.

[edit] Die Roles:

  • 1-20 Add your height in inches to your next die roll. (Use the + option in the board, no re-rolls if you don't do it.)
  • 21-59 No effect.
  • 60-65 A monster attacks the next poster! (You describe it, and yell MONSTER!!!!.) It has CV=timestamp.
  • 66 Über-Monster ! As above, but CV=timestamp+10! Goes away if undefeated for 24 hours.
  • 67 Mist form: All items and clothes drop, and you cannot roll. Lasts one day or one page.
  • 68 Item: Pokiball. One use. Capture a monster and add it's CV to yours for one battle. Then both vanish.
  • 69 You and the previous poster of the opposite gender are trapped in a sleeping bag together w/ no outfits. Roll 8+ on d10 to open the zipper. If everyone is the same gender, then reset yours to default, or progress through previous posters until a proper pair is made. (Monsters can't find you like this, and you can only fight each other. Evade move is not possible.)
  • 70 Roll as many 2d100 as you want, max 10. Take results in order.
  • 71 Item: "God" robe and fake hair and beard.
  • 72 Gain an inch for every person other then you who posts in the next 30 minutes.
  • 73 Pixy Misa (Pretty Sammy): 4'9" B cup, CV=4, magic girl outfit. Item: Fan may create "love love" monsters to fight for her. (Add timestamp to Misa's current CV.) These monsters fight other monsters first, then players. They disappear after winning 4 fights. Misa can define the results of loosing, but cannot choose the target or dispel the monster except by sending another monster after it. The monsters will not attack Misa unless everyone else is unconscious or hasn't posted in 6 hrs.
  • 74 Eliminate any changes you want, up to a full reset. On even time-stamp, you can eliminate stuck changes. On odd timestamp, you can eliminate one of someone else's changes. If you use this on your height, you become your default.
  • 75 Choose any player's gender.
  • 76 Floor long hair. -2 CV
  • 77x Wish orbs: DD cup girl. The next guy to rub them can make a wish. Use combat to prevent it. If you can prevent it for 2 pages, you get to make the wish. (One wish only, no run-on sentences.) This is "Stuck" for the 2 pages or until the wish is used. If no guys are in play, the first person to notice can become one. While you have this, you cannot be forced into obedience, but will become obedient to whomever grabs your orbs. (Treat this obedience as a change, it ends when displaced.) Wish orbs do not take up a change slot, they go in your cup slot.
  • 78. Week knees. CV=0 when fighting the opposite gender. Monsters are assumed to be male unless stated otherwise.
  • 79x. Make a wish. One sentence. Must include two words (nouns, verbs, or adj.) from the previous post written by the poster. (Includes sig, but not timestamp or roll result.)
  • 80. Appearance: Mini-Naga the white serpent (Slayers) 4' tall. (E, Restrictive clothing, CV =1)
  • 81. You may give anyone an order, provided it is in limerick. (One use)
  • 82. Chauvinism: If female, you must obey any male. If male, all females must obey you. Obedient players can have anything they post (including die rolls) stopped if a person who they are supposed to obey tells them in the next two posts not to do it. Always Stuck if you are female.
  • 83. Extra bouncy girl! - DD cup
  • 84. Can't walk without a bra girl - E cup (Magically still perky!)
  • 85. Neo-chan. (From The Matrix) He was the One. Now she's the Two! (E-cup, 5'2", waist length hair, spandex & leather coat. CV=20)
  • 86-87 Pick your height. Must be used within 2 minutes of rolling. (post again.)
  • 88. Appearance = Inu Yasha (5'9", CV =16)
  • 89. Outfit: Towel - anyone my steal it from you.
  • 90. Squeaky voice: You must write "squeak" every 5-10 words in anything you post.
  • 91. Outfit: School girl uniform. You are obedient to anyone while wearing it. (CV +0)
  • 92. Next poster picks your change. Or you can if they don't within an hour.
  • 93. Mini skirt, vest and tight top (CV -1)
  • 94. Item: Stilts: If you choose to wear them, they make you 1.5 feet taller, but Klutzy. (CV -5)
  • 95. timestamp = height in feet
  • 96. Weightless: Uncontrolled floating.
  • 97x. Roll again - using any dice combo you choose, but no d2s.
  • 98. Choose any outfit you want, but you must post a pic on your next post. If you don't, no outfit.
  • 99. Your outfit merges with that of the previous poster, bringing you both together face to face.
  • 100. Pick any appearance you want, including height.
  • 101x. Choose to make any option anyone has stuck, or unstuck.
  • 102. Appearance & intellect: Zoe. (Even Timestamp = Doctor Who companion C cup 5'0" , (Not companion status) Odd =Sluggy Freelance D Cup 5'6") (CV =7)
  • 103. Behavior/Appearance: Obsessed Fan-girl of most recent male poster. (CV -1, +3 if defending idol.)
  • 104x. The previous poster has 20 minutes to post the word "Block", otherwise you may do whatever you want to him/her. If "Block" is yelled, He/she may do anything to you.
  • 105. Can't stop giggling.
  • 106. Chauvinism: If female, you must obey any male. If male, all females must obey you. Obedient players can have anything they post (including die rolls) stopped if a person who they are supposed to obey tells them in the next two posts not to do it. Always Stuck if you are female.
  • 107. Can't roll this page.
  • 108. Loose all powers
  • 109. Outfit: French maid (CV -1)
  • 110. Item: Inchworm. Every time anyone posts you get one inch shorter. You return to default if you post on timestamp "0", but continue to shrink after. Minimum size one inch. Inchworm cannot be discarded or destroyed, but can be given to another player via combat. (Getting rid of inchworm does not restore your height.) There is only one inchworm, so if a second player rolls this, the person who has it is free of it.
  • 111. full-elf girl (4.5 foot unless size already changed) (CV +2)
  • 112. Appearance & power = Lum (D, 5'2" CV =14)
  • 113. Outfit: Girl: Skimpy party dress & high heels. (CV -5) Guy: Tuxedo (CV +0)
  • 114. Roman Toga.
  • 115. Behavior/power: Keitaro syndrome: On every even-time-stamp post you accidentally disrobe the most recent female poster. They roll 5+ on d10 to get their clothes back on, and cannot do anything else until they do so. (CV +1, +6 against females.)
  • 116x. For the next 5 posts, _everyone_ chooses the height of the previous player. Anyone who forgets can only quack for three posts.
  • 117x. Transfer 1 change to someone else. (loose it yourself. If it is "Unresetable" make the next item on your list "unresetable" instead.) Must be used by your next post.
  • 118. 6 foot muscle man (CV =13)
  • 119. timestamp = height in feet
  • 120x. Steal 1 ft height from anyone you choose. (Previous poster if you don't choose within 1 hr)
  • 121. Shrink two inches for every minute from this post until your next one. (Edits don't count, but you may double post.) Minimum size = 1 ft.
  • 122x. Choose the previous player's height.
  • 123. Choose everyone's outfit.
  • 124x. If the previous poster doesn't post within 20 minutes of this roll, you may swap bodies with them. Treat body swap as a change occupying one change slot plus cup, height & outfit, but not CV or training.
  • 125. Full reset to default.
  • 126. You must speak in rime. Do so all the time. The words that you say, must come out this way.
  • 127. Asuka Langley (Evangelion). (5'0", C cup, Red plug suit. CV = 8) Must fight every page.
  • 128. Reset: Normal human, reverse current gender.
  • 129x. For the next 24 hours, anyone can throw any non-x change at you. (Except for anything that would effect anyone else) They may only throw one change per post.
  • 130. Choose the height of all males - You become 6" shorter then them.
  • 131x. Equality: Choose one of the previous three rolls. Apply it to everyone. This can contradict unresetables, but unresetibles are restored when this change goes away.
  • 132. Appearance: A character from a webcomic of your choice (Link required)
  • 133. Appearance: Dr Who of your choice. (CV =12) Doctors never get tied up, become unable to roll or move, or get X cup girl rolls. (It happens to your companion instead.) The most recent female poster becomes your companion. You may block any roll you don't want your companion to have within 4 posts of her rolling. She can never become male or taller then you. One time only, you can reject any change that would cause you to not be a Doctor any more. If ever a companion is attacked and looses, the Doctor shows up in the nick of time and fights the attacker. (Second combat roll.) If the Doctor wins, the companion takes no effect from loosing.
  • 134. Quicksand! The ground swallows you up, and hardens. Timestamp=depth. 1-3 =legs, you can get out without help in 5 posts. (CV -2) 4-6 =waist Someone has to help you out for 5 posts. (CV -5) 7-0 =Neck You can't even roll. (CV -10) This is "Stuck" until you get out of it.
  • 135. Reset: Become your avatar.
  • 136. Outfit becomes hard chocolate. Will crumble if you move. (CV -3)
  • 137. Reset: Become previous poster's avatar. (No avatar = no effect)
  • 138. Appearance: (not power) =Natsuki Sasahara (Hyper Police) (D 4'9" CV =7)
  • 139. Perky girl! - C cup (No effect if you are already larger)
  • 140. Bouncy girl! - D cup (No effect if you are already larger)
  • 141. Extra bouncy girl! - DD cup
  • 142. Can't walk without a bra girl - E cup (Magically still perky!)
  • 143. Bigger/smaller Girl. Start at B cup, Gain a cup size and shrink by 3 inches every time a male hugs you. Max E-cup, but you continue to shrink. ("I hug XXX" must be written by hugger for the hug to count.) You may evade hugs using combat rules.
  • 144. Appearance & world view = Mihoshi (Tenchi Muyo) (DD, CV =9, 5'8" May not attack players.)
  • 145. Everyone except you becomes 2 inches shorter.
  • 146. You can only speak gibberish.
  • 147. Size = Post time/2 ft
  • 148. Become 6" shorter then the previous player.
  • 149. Reset: Appearance & power = Amelia Wil Tesla Sailune (Slayers) (D, CV =10, 4'10")
  • 150. Appearance: Mini-Naga the white serpent (Slayers) 4' tall. (E, Restrictive clothing, CV =1)
  • 151. Become 1 foot shorter
  • 152. Appearance = Minnie May (Gunsmith cats) (B, 4'10", CV =7)
  • 153. Next poster picks your outfit. No outfit if they don't pick. (Outfits are never stuck. Editing is permitted before die roller posts again.)
  • 154. Outfit: = Full body pantyhose (CV -2)
  • 155. No Effect
  • 156. Outfit: Bikini, timestamp color: 1Red 2Orn 3ylo 4grn 5cyn 6blu 7blk 8brn 9pnk 0wht (CV -2)
  • 157. Outfit: Sailor Fuku (Magic girl outfit) (CV -1)
  • 158x. Roll again - using any dice combo you choose, but no d2s
  • 159. Hug and kiss the previous poster.
  • 160x. If you have referred to another player in your last 3 posts, you my copy one of their changes, including resets. (One change total, not per player.)
  • 161x. Make one existing change (on any player) stuck.
  • 162. Become the dream mate of the previous poster. They may do anything to you. That poster then becomes obsessed, and may not let go of you unless you get a reset. You cannot roll on the next page.
  • 163. No Effect
  • 164. Outfit: Guy: Fancy samurai armor w/ sword. (CV +3) Girl: Kimono w/bread. (CV -1)
  • 165. Hands tied behind back. (Someone else must untie you. You can't roll like this.) (CV -7)
  • 166. If Girl: Mincing walk. (CV -2) If Guy: Pimp walk. (CV 0) (This cancels "starfish")
  • 167. Limbs magically spread starfish style. (A force is pulling on them. You may roll like this with your toes, or if you fall over, but anyone can take your dice.) (CV -8)
  • 168. Discard any one change you have, including stuck changes, or choose your height or cup size.
  • 169. You can fly. 1 foot per second (CV +2)
  • 170x. All women gain a cup size. Max E cup.
  • 171. Next poster picks your change. Or you can if they don't within an hour.
  • 172. Dance the night away! (Tomorrow you are too exhausted to move. Cancels "Starfish".)
  • 173. Distract. If you are female, you may cancel any guy's roll within 4 posts of him making it. (One use.)
  • 174. Previous poser asks you a quiz-type question. If you get it right, (or they don't ask, or ask you something unfair.) You may steal 1 foot of their height.
  • 175. Reset: Appearance & Power = Sarn (Princess Mononoke) (5'1", B, CV =13)
  • 176. You receive Belldandy's goddess outfit. In a box. Roll 8 or better on 1d10 to figure out how to put the thing on. (You may roll every post for this.) in the mean time, you are nude. And look like Belldandy. (Full 'human'. Height, and non-form changes such as spasms unaffected.) (DD, CV =2 until dress is on, then CV =5 ) When Belldandy is wearing her outfit, no combat is possible except clothing removal combat. Monsters stick around but do not fight.
  • 177. Appearance = Lord Il Palazzo (Excel Saga) (CV =13, 6'2") Power = Must pick any one female to be your Fan Girl.
  • 178. Appearance & power = Nanase (CV =10, D, 5'5")
  • 179. Reset to default.
  • 180. Make one of the previous poster's changes unresetable. If you don't within 20 minutes, previous poster does it to you.
  • 181. Outfit: Soap bubbles.(CV -3) They pop in any combat.
  • 182. Outfit: School girl uniform. You are obedient to anyone while wearing it.
  • 183. Outfit: Towel - anyone my steal it from you.(CV -3)
  • 184. Appearance: Ruroni Kenchin (5'10, CV =16)
  • 185. Choose any named appearance on this list. (Plus all effects except reset.)
  • 186. Appearance and power: Any girl from "Urusai Yatsura" except lum. (CV= 5 to 13 -ask)
  • 187. Walk like an egyptian. (Bangles music plays behind you. This cancels "starfish") (CV -3)
  • 188. You may give anyone an order, provided it is in limerick. (One use)
  • 189. If you can post a (single) picture of the previous player and yourself in correct forms as of this post, you may choose any non-X change for them or yourself.
  • 190. Chauvinism: If female, you must obey any male. If male, all females must obey you. Obedient players can have anything they post (including die rolls) stopped if a person who they are supposed to obey tells them in the next two posts not to do it. Always Stuck if you are female.
  • 191. Extra bouncy girl! - DD cup
  • 192. Can't walk without a bra girl - E cup (Magically still perky!)
  • 193. Outfit: Soap bubbles
  • 194. Appearance & Power = Sarn (Princess Mononoke) (5'1", B, CV =13)
  • 195. Your next reset is appearance only.
  • 196. You may give anyone an order, provided it is in limerick. (One use)
  • 197. Become DW companion. If no Doctor is present, the most recent poster becomes the Doctor via rules above. You become female, Roll d4 for cup size 1=C 2=D 3=DD 4=E, but other appearance characteristics are kept.
  • 198. Appearance & intellect: Zoe. (Even Timestamp = Doctor Who companion (C cup 5'0") , Odd =Sluggy Freelance D cup)(CV =7, 5'6")
  • 199x. Even timestamp: Become God for one post. Make any number of changes you want to anyone or anything including the roll list. Odd timestamp: The first player to claim you has unlimited power over you for 24 hours.
  • 200x. Everyone resets.
  • 201+ x. No Effect

[edit] Rules added by #199 god power roll or wishes:


  • bestows a curse onto the building so that anyone who gives an order that the one being ordered is forced to comply to while within the bounds of the building shall loose 2 feet (Changed to inches by Sai. Changed to GROW two inches by BIO) in height*

Mindus may choose the gender of anyone who is not stuck, (cup or apperence) once per page.

Sai: You can increase your height by coming up with new changes for the roll list. You'll gain a foot for each one I like!

From now on, Jenny is simply Mini-Naga modified by her most recent die roll or effect by anyone else. Result: Just look for the last thing to happen to Jenny, and tells you everything about her current state.

Third tansform slot for Bio.

I wish to replace current wish rules five, six and eight with "On pages evenly divisible by five anyone may discard a single non-stuck change from their change slots. (But not the other slots, like height and cup.)"

Jimmyinwhite: Base form Inu Yasha, minimum CV = 16


[edit] Default forms:

Default forms:

Sai: is my avatar: Slim, 3'10", D cup mini- human Sai with baby tee top, vest and mini-skirt. CV = 5.

Myn'des: 4'11" androgynous male demi-feline. knee-length robe, CV=9 (Gender independent)

'Bio: 5'4"' adolescent male with silver hair and eyes. Wearing a basic dark gray, long-sleeved shirt and beige pants.

Jimmyinwhite: Base form Inu Yasha, minimum CV = 16

Catldr24: 5"2', male, looks like my avi, I suppose. Is that ok? ... although as my avvie seems out of comission, catboy with red fur and brown hair. Light blue sweatshirt and jeans.

[edit] #thewotch:

Recently, we've started to modify it for a new community on an IRC channel as one of the many things that get's played there. Here's the section for that.. but right now, I'm going to bug the community. This adaptation is going ok so far, but we still need dozens of die roll options.. the specific apperance CVs are a mess, ect.. suggestion and so forth are more than welcome.

[edit] #thewotch rules:

0)Die Rules: The die is in charge, any wishes, changes, or interpretation of rules, or anything else in this 'game' are subject to the dies whims... The die may choose to punish any player for what it believes to be unamusing or going too far.

1) Before you start, describe your "default" form before any changes. This should include height, appearance, cup size, outfit and normal CV. It's assumed that you have some combat training or power. If you don't subtract CV as needed. (See info below about what CV is.)

2) You must roll 1d200 on your turn(Unless otherwise stated). If you are unable to roll, someone else may roll for you.

4) You may only have two powers and two curses at a time(That is, Two Curses AND two powers), a third one causes the oldest non-stuck curse to fall off

5) You may only have up to three changes at a time. If you get a forth change, you loose the oldest non-stuck change. But if that change contradicts a newer change, you loose that instead. Your height, outfit and cup size count separately from this since you always have SOME height number, even if it is zero, and females always have a cup size. So your change list will always look like this:

Change 1 Change 2 Change 3 Height Cup size (or "Male") Current CV: (see below) CV training: Outfit Items Power: Power: Curse: Curse: If you get a one-time-use power and use it right away, it doesn't take up a slot.

6) Negative height: If for some reason you get negative height, you get flipped on your head. Ignore the negative part and what remains is your actual height. You can just roll over and stand up again.

7) Some changes can get Stuck. You may normally only have one stuck change, curse. If you get another, you loose the first one. Stuck can be eliminated by body swapping, or any change that says "Reset". Or certian other powers If you roll a change that you already have, it becomes stuck. (powers cannot become stuck, nor can outfits.)

6) The timestamp is the minutes digit(The digit that would be different every minute.) on the time the DMs screen says you posted(Or the log-bots if not applicable). Some effects use this as an extra random number in addition to dice.

7) Most powers have a limited Duration or charges, after the time has expired or charges are spent, the power falls off your list.

8) Named changes such as Zoe or Inu Yasha always include height, cup size, CV, outfit, and sometimes include items. (Make a reasonable guess if this info is missing.) but generic ones such as "Fan girl" or "Elf Girl" do not. If these change for you, you must adjust. It's possible to contradict PART of a named change, and retain the rest. For example, if you get Inu Yasha, and then ka-girl, you would look like a female version of Inu Yasha. Inu Yasha would remain in your change list, and nothing would get bumped out of your three changes in this case. However if you got Inu-Yasha first, then you'd loose any cup size you had unless it was stuck.

9) If given a chance to pick a change or die roll, you can't pick numbers with x by them, unless specified otherwise.

10) CV Training: You start the game with 0 training CV. You never lose CV training. You may gain CV training two ways: 1. defeat a monster with a CV higher than your current CV

[edit] #thewotch combat:

[edit] #thewotch Die(unfinished)

1.On even Timestamp: Apperance: Asuka Langley (Evangelion). (5'0", C cup, Red plug suit. CC+0) Must fight every round or get bad-stuff. On odd Timestamp:Appearance & world view = Mihoshi (Tenchi Muyo) (DD, CV -2, 5'8", May not attack players unless 'evil'.)

2.Appearance: A character from a webcomic of your choice (Link required) (CV+1d6)

3.On even Timestamp: Appearance: Mini-Naga the white serpent (Slayers) 4' tall. (E, Restrictive clothing, CV =1) On odd timestamp: Reset: Appearance & power = Amelia Wil Tesla Sailune (Slayers) (D, CV =10, 4'10")

4.Appearance = Minnie May (Gunsmith cats) (B, 4'10", CV=11)

5.On even Timestamp: Appearance: Dr Who of your choice. (CV =12) Doctors never get tied up, become unable to roll or move, or get female forms. (It happens to your companion instead.) The most recent female poster becomes your companion. You may block any roll you don't want your companion to have within 4 posts of her rolling. She can never become male or taller then you. One time only, you can reject any change that would cause you to not be a Doctor any more. If ever a companion is attacked and looses, the Doctor shows up in the nick of time and fights the attacker. (Second combat roll.) If the Doctor wins, the companion takes no effect from loosing. On Odd Timestamp: Become DW companion. If no Doctor is present, the most recent poster becomes the Doctor via rules above. If male; you become female, Roll d4 for cup size(1=C 2=D 3=DD 4=E), but other appearance characteristics are kept.

6.Appearance = Lord Il Palazzo (Excel Saga) (CV =14, 6'2") Power(Instant): Must pick any one player to be your Fan Girl - add DD cup girl.

7.Appearance & power = Nanase (CV =10 D, 5'5").

8.Pixy Misa (Pretty Sammy): 4'1" B cup, CV = 5, magic girl outfit. Item: Fan may create "love love" monsters to fight for her. (Add timestamp to Misa's current CV.) These monsters fight other monsters first, then players. They disappear after winning 4 fights. Misa can define the results of loosing, but cannot choose the target or dispel the monster except by sending another monster after it. The monsters will not attack Misa unless everyone else is unconscious or hasn't posted in 6 hrs. Monsters will recognize Misa with different cup size or height or other minor change, but not male or any other visible change.

9.Apperance: Neo-chan. (From The Matrix) He was the One. Now she's the Two! (E-cup, 5'2", waist length hair, spandex & leather coat. CV = 20)

10.Apperance: Kyon: (from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) 5'7" Male CV = 3 School uniform. Obedient to all females. In conflicts, obeys the one Kyon feels is most like Haruhi Suzumiya.

11.Appearance: (not power) =Natsuki Sasahara (Hyper Police) (D 4'9" CV =7)

12.Appearance & power = Lum (D, 5'2" CV =14)

13.Overlay: full-elf girl (5' 11" foot unless size already taller, CV +2, b cup, sparkly gown version of whatever outfit you had.)

14.Overlay: Full Drow female (4' 6" unless already smaller, CV +2, D Cup, Black leather outfit.)

15.Overlay: ka-girl+Ka-random figure (Roll 1d6 for cup-size, 6=A, 5=B, 4=C, 3=D, 2=DD, 1=E)

16.Overlay: Ka-Guy

17.Overlay: Ka-Anthro! (Last digit of time) (1=Cat, 2=horse, 3=wolf, 4= rabbit, 5=cow, 6=fox, 7=horse, 8= mouse 9=mink 0=skunk(non-smelly)

18.Overlay: FV5: You are female, Your cup-size is one larger than what it would be otherwise, your hair is twice as long as normal.

19. Overlay: Floor long hair. (Or longer if there already)

20. Overlay: Buff up! Become 6' 6" tall, male, and gain muscle mass(CV +5)

21.Item: Pokiball. One use. Capture a monster and add it's CV to yours for one battle. Then both vanish.

22.Item: Ridiculously huge gun: Can only be used if you are under 4' 6" tall and female.

23.Item: Rocket pack! +1 CV, you may fly.

24.Item: "God" robe and fake hair and beard.

25.Item: Cool shades (+1 CV)

26.Item: 2.54cmWorm. Every time anyone starts their turn, you get one inch taller. Inchworm cannot be discarded or destroyed, but can be given to(Or stolen by) another player via combat. (Getting rid of 2.54cmWorm does not restore your height.) There is only one 2.54cmWorm, so if a second player rolls this, the person who has it loses it.

27.Item: Inchworm. Every time anyone starts their turn, you get one inch shorter. Minimum size one inch. Inchworm cannot be discarded or destroyed, but can be given to(Or stolen by) another player via combat. (Getting rid of inchworm does not restore your height.) There is only one inchworm, so if a second player rolls this, the person who has it is free of it.

28.Item: Shrink Ray: Make a ranged attack roll(height penalties and bonuses do not apply) and if successful, reduce their height by any amount you choose. Must have mobility in your arms to use. Three Charges.

29.Goggles: Any time a curse is applied to you while you wear these, you may choose to make it do nothing. If you do, the goggles vanish.

30.TF gun: Make a ranged attack roll(height penalties and bonuses do not apply) and if successful, apply any 'Overlay' on this list you choose. Must have mobility in your arms to use. Three Charges.

31.Power(instant): Eliminate any unstuck changes you want, up to a full reset. On even time-stamp, you can eliminate stuck changes. On odd timestamp, you can eliminate one of someone else's changes.

32.Power(instant):Choose any named appearance for yourself on this list. (Plus all effects except reset.)

33.xPower(instant):Make a wish. One sentence. Must include two words (nouns, verbs, or adj.) from the previous post written by the poster before your roll.

34.Power(instant):Pick your height.

35.Power(instant): Choose any outfit you want, but you must post a pic (Cv +1d4)

36.Power(instant):Pick any appearance you want, including height. (you may remove any apperence based CV modifiers or keep them as you choose)

37.Power(instant):Steal 1 ft height from anyone you choose.

38.xPower(instant):Choose everyone's outfit, you my pick any outfit on the table.

39.xPower(instant):You may choose to swap bodies with the previous player, not swapping powers, training or base CV, but you are swapping outfits and appearances.

40.Power(instant): Pick another player and roll again. After learning the effect, you can choose to have the die roll behave as if the selected player rolled it, or as if you rolled it.

41.Power(Instant): Discard any one change you have, including stuck changes, or choose your height, cup size or hair length.

42.Power(Instant): Transfer any one curse from one player to another

43.xPower: You may give anyone an order, provided it is in limerick. (One use)

44.*Power: Choose to make up to any four options anyone has stuck, or unstuck.

45.*Power: Transfer 1 change from yourself or another player to someone else other than yourself. (If it is "stuck" it remains stuck on the other person.) Must be used by your next turn.

46.Power: You may choose to reset yourself fully to default(single use.)

47.Power: Steal manhood. You may become male from female by giving any male player E-Cups(Single use)

48.Power: Living Hair. No effect if bald, otherwise: +1 CV. +3CV for waist-length +5 CV if floor length hair.

49.Power: You can fly. 5 feet/ per second (CV +2)

50.Power: Choose any player's gender until the end of your next turn.

51.*Power: You may cancel one curse per use of this power, this power has two uses.

52.*Power: SCIENCE!: +1 CV, next round on your turn.. and every second round thereafter, you may create one non-star Item on this list of your choice.

53.Change: Chauvinism: If female, you must obey any male. If male, all females must obey you. Obedient players can have anything they post (including die rolls) stopped if a person who they are supposed to obey tells them in the next two posts not to do it. Always Stuck if you are female. If Counter Sexism is in play, the most recent one overules the other.

54.Change: Counter-sexism: If male, you must obey any female. If female, all males must obey you. Obedient players can have anything they post (including die rolls) stopped if a person who they are supposed to obey tells them not to do it. Always Stuck if you are male. If Chauvinism is in play, the most recent one overules the other.

55.Change: Girls can too! Become female. CV+2 (B cup unless you are already larger.) With this option, you can do and wear things that only males ought to be able to do and wear, if you want. You always count as female, but can choose to count as male as well. Every post you have this you must use it, or fight something. Otherwise you gain a cup size and shrink three inches. If you are already an E cup, fabric eating bugs attack you, and you still shrink.

56.Effect: Small but scrappy: Shrink to 4' if you are taller(stay the same if smaller) Gain: Power: turn all your CV penalties from height into CV bonuses when fighting a bigger foe.

57.Behavior/Appearance: Become an obsessed Fan-boy of most recent female poster, or last person to post while female. (CV -1, +3 if defending idol.) Must obey Idol.

58.Behavior/Appearance: Become an obsessed Fan-girl of most recent male poster, or last person to post while male. (CV -1, +3 if defending idol.) Must obey Idol.

59.*Effect: Wish orbs: DD cup girl. The next guy to rub them can make a wish. Use combat to prevent it. If you can prevent it for 2 pages, you get to make the wish. (One wish only, no run-on sentences.) This is "Stuck" for the 2 pages or until the wish is used. If no guys are in play, the first person to notice can become one. While you have this, you cannot be forced into obedience, but will become obedient to whomever grabs your orbs. (Treat this obedience as a change, it ends when displaced.) Wish orbs do not take up a change slot, they go in your cup slot.

60.Change: Bigger/smaller Girl. Start at B cup female, Gain a cup size and shrink by 3 inches every time a male hugs you. Max E-cup, but you continue to shrink. ("I hug XXX" must be written by hugger for the hug to count.) You may evade hugs using combat rules.

61.Outfit: Towel - anyone my steal it from you.(+0 CV)

62.Outfit: School-girl uniform. You are obedient to anyone while wearing it. (CV +0)

63.Outfit: Mini skirt, vest and tight top (CV -1)

64.Outfit: French maid (CV -1)

65.Outfit: Girl: Skimpy party dress & high heels. (CV -5) Guy: Stiff suit (CV -5)

66.Outfit: Girl: Party dress(+1CV vs males). Guy: Snazzy Tux(+1 CV vs females)

67.Outfit: Becomes hard chocolate. Will crumble if you move too quick. (CV -3)

68.Outfit: Bikini, 1d10 color: 1Red 2Orn 3ylo 4grn 5cyn 6blu 7blk 8brn 9pnk 10wht (CV -2, CV+8 if it matches your element)

69.Outfit: Power Suit(From metroid) (+6 CV)

70.Outfit: Superman costume(sized to fit) (confidence boost gives you +1 CV)

71.*Outfit: Slave chains and leather.(CV -2) The next player to defeat you in combat claims you and you become obedient to them while wearing this outfit.

72.Outfit: Guy: Fancy samurai armor w/ sword. (CV +3) Girl: Kimono w/bread. (CV -1)

73.Outfit: Chainmail bikini Guy: (-1 CV) Girl: (+1 CV per cup size, A=0, E=5)

74.Outfit: Magical Fuku: You my fly while wearing this (+2 CV)

75.Outfit: Sailor Fuku (Magic girl outfit) (CV= 0)

76.Curse: Weightless: Uncontrolled floating.(CV -2 until removed)

77.Curse(instant): Next player picks your change.

78.Curse: Can't stop giggling.(-1 CV)

79.Curse: Evil! You must find ways to mess with other players. You cease to be evil if someone else takes revenge on you.

80.Curse: Mist form: All items and clothes drop, and you cannot roll. Lasts one two rounds.

81.Curse: Weak knees. CV=0 when fighting the opposite gender. Monsters are assumed to be male unless stated otherwise.

82.Curse(Instant)xLoose all powers

83.*Curse: For the next round anyone can throw any non-x change at you. (Except for anything that would effect anyone else) They may only throw one change per turn

84.Curse: You can only speak gibberish.

85.Curse: Hands tied behind back. (Someone else must untie you. You can't roll like this. (CV -7)

86.Curse: Embaressing Walk(-2 CV): If Girl: Mincing walk. If Guy: Sauturday night feaver. (This cancels "starfish")

87.Curse: Starfish: Limbs magically spread starfish style. (A force is pulling on them. You may roll like this with your toes, or if you fall over, but anyone can take your dice and roll in your place.) (CV -8)

88.Effect: Dance the night away! Dance for three rounds, if it's not cancelled by the end of your third turn from now(turn 'zero'); you are too exhausted to move. You are naturally more graceful dancing!(+2 CV)(This effect cancels "Starfish")

89.Curse: Walk like an Egyptian. (Bangles music plays behind you. This cancels "starfish") (CV -3)

90.Effect: Roll as many d200 as you want, up to a max of ten. Take results in order.

91.Effect(Global): Gain an inch of height for every person playing.

92.Effect(Global): Lose an inch of height for every person playing.

93.xEffect: Reroll 3d200s and pick which result you want.

94.Effect: Fight your clothes! Treat them as a monster. (CV= timestamp/2.) Post again immediately for the fight. If you win, the clothes go away like any monster, if you are male, the most recent female players clothes teleport on to you. If you are female, then the most recent male players cloths teleport onto you.

95.Effect(Global): For the next 5 turns everyone chooses the height of the previous player. Anyone who forgets can only quack for the next round..

96.Curse: You must speak in rime. Do so all the time. The words that you say, must come out this way.

97.Effect: Reset: Normal human, reverse current gender.

98.Effect(Global): Choose the height of all males - You become 6" shorter then them.

99.Effect(Global): Choose the height of all females - You become 6" shorter then them.

100.Effect(Global): Everyone except you becomes 2 inches shorter.

101.Effect: Next poster picks your outfit.

102.Effect: Hug and kiss the previous player, this cannot be stopped by any means.

103.xEffect: Equality: Choose one of the previous three rolls. Apply it to everyone. This can contradict stuck changes and remove them.

104.*Effect. All women gain a cup size. Max E cup.

105. Effect: Closest female acts distracting. (-1 CV to next two males to engage in combat)

106. Effect: Previous poser asks you a quiz-type question. If you get it right, (or they don't ask, or ask you something unfair.) You may steal 1 foot of their height, one change, or one item.

107. Effect: Your next reset is appearance only.

108.*Effect. Even timestamp: Become God for one turn. Make any number of changes you want to anyone or anything including the roll list. Odd timestamp: The first player to claim you has neigh unlimited power over you for three rounds(But cannot have you grant other people power)

200 *Eeffect: Everyone resets.

[edit] #thewotch Locations?

I am strongly considering making the location changable(via a few die-roll options, possibly changing the roller to match the location at the same time?), the locations changes; in addition to the new enviorment, there would be specific effects upon rolls or changes, possibly even temporary changes to the list... feel free to make location suggestions.

[edit] #thewotch Suggestions

Add any rolls you think would be good down here. Chances are they'll just get put right in, but we might as well let everyone see first.

xxx. Appearance: Rie Roulette: On timestamp 1-3: Shana [[1]] 4-6: Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière [[2]] 7-9: Taiga Aisaka [[3]] 0: Alphonse Elric [[4]]

yyy. Appearance: On odd timestamp: Ragna the Bloodedge [[5]] (6’1”, CV 17) On even timestamp: Jin Kisaragi [[6]] (5’11”, CV 17) Curse: There can only be one Ragna and one Jin at a time. Should there be a Ragna or Jin in play and another is rolled, the second becomes the other, and the two are forced to initiate combat. Should a third be rolled, the first to roll a Ragna or Jin form is replaced and granted a full reset.

zzz. Appearance: On odd timestamp: Crash Bandicoot [[7]] (male, 5’5”, CV +2) On even timestamp: Coco Bandicoot [[8]] (female, 4’10”, CV -2)

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