Privacy Manual :About

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Welcome to the Departments Privacy Coordinators Privacy Operational Manual, that has been developed by the Senior Privacy Advisor & Privacy Coordinator (WoVG), Executive Services. 
The manual explains the legislative obligations imposed on the Department by the Information Privacy Act  2000 (the IPA) and the Health Records Act  2001 (the HRA) and outlines techniques and templates to support compliance with the Acts.
The IPA and HRA contain Information Privacy Principles (IPPs) and Health Privacy Principles (HPPs) which regulate the collection, use, disclosure, transfer, access, correction and disposal of personal and health information.
The IPA is concerned with ‘personal and sensitive information’. Personal information means recorded information about a living identifiable or easily identifiable individual (including work related information and images). Sensitive information is information about a living person’s race or ethnicity, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, sexual preferences or practices, criminal record, or membership details, such as trade union or professional, political or trade associations.
The HRA is concerned with ‘health information.’ This is information able to be linked to a living or deceased person about the person’s physical, or psychological health.
This manual is intended to be a user-friendly, comprehensive resource for Business Unit Privacy Coordinators, bringing together the main policies and procedures which are relevant to the collection, use, storage and disclosure of information in the Department.
The manual is divided into sections covering the various aspects of the Privacy Coordinator’s role.  This format will allow the manual to be updated easily, with the addition of new documents or updated versions of existing documents.  You can also add documents relevant to your Business Unit.  The Senior Privacy Advisor welcomes any suggestions for the improvement of this manual.

Current revision as of 05:30, 18 October 2006

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