
From Popwiki

Revision as of 00:07, 24 December 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

wikiPOP is here! (Or POPwiki, if you're dislexic ;) Feel free to write articles here that other wikis won't let you. Fashion, Anatomy, Neologisms, Oh my! 'THEY' THINK THAT WE ARE THE BLACKLISTED!?! Well, EFF THAT HOMIES!!! I AM SO GAY AND I LOVE IT!!! You see, good gentlemen and fine, fine ladies... according to Vogue, GQ magazines, CNN and Larry King Live, Pink is the new Black, and according to certain laws of Judaism, 'Pink means Pussy,' so why don't you just go ahead and laugh with that one all the way to the tomato bank. Do not pass go, and do not even think of collecting $200 dollars from the the High Sierras.

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