From Polychromatic
NEW! Import Your Own List of Wiki Sites You can now import your own list of wiki sites from a .txt file, simply uncheck the "Use Wiki Bomber's built-in list" checkbox and click on "Import from .txt" button. Then, choose your CMS type and you're all set.
NEW! Import Articles from Folder
Need to use multiple spun articles instead of just one? No problem!
NEW! Set Maximum Links and Accounts Limit
You can now also set the maximum links you want per campaign in addition to drip feeding them. Perfect for doing client work. This also apply to the number of accounts you want created per account group.
Humongous Database of Wiki Sites
8,000+ Wiki sites and growing! Our server-side script actively looks for footprints, scrapes new sites and removes non-working ones so you don't have to. Typical 90% success rate!
Multiple CMS Support
Why restrict yourself to just MediaWiki sites? Our software posts to MediaWiki, WikkaWiki, MacOS Wiki, TWiki and more.
Randomized Usernames
Random usernames are generated for each and every single Wiki site to eliminate footprint across your campaign. If you post an article to 10k+ sites, 10k+ unique usernames will be used.