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From Pogoss

Revision as of 17:18, 4 May 2006 by (Talk)

Welcome to POGOSS, the Pomona College Gossip page. You're welcome to add noteworthy Pomona-related news, but please be respectful of others' posts (don't delete or change them). If you take issue with any posts, feel free to respond. Please keep in mind: this forum is a place to share funny, titillating news--don't get upset. HAVE FUN!


^ uh, no.

Watch it happen

watch what happen? and thats a creepy comment in general.


WHO has a job or some other sort of future?

This section needs more info! let's make a list so we know who to resent/ask for money:

  • ian m! some sort of consulting, right?


  • Dave S got a huge signing bonus, unlike Ian M.
  • so did chris t. I hate people in good majors, who can actually make money from them.
  • not to mention Ben R
  • I think the aforementioned Monique has a consulting-related future
  • I hear Rachel M has an offer from the Huffington Post
  • Dave S. has committed to 2-years of I-Banking in NYC... No word on Logs yet

I heard that NYU was no longer an option...

  • Andrew B is trying to decide between consulting jobs in Seattle and San Fran...

Choose San Francisco! Duh. Update: he settled on Seattle, which is gay.

H.D. + D.E. ???

Recently witnessed: A balding 911 conspiracy theorist akwardly attempting to exhibit mild signs of PDA towards a certain Hepatitis C. D. I could be wrong though...

^ um, best description ever (also, not wrong)

where did this take place?

Doesn't he have a girlfriend or something?
He did, but no longer does. I heard she dumped him, but I get the impression he's pretty OK with the present situation.


  • Chris Mcsomething and Sarah C.

When were they going out?
For a while now... where have you been?

You, Denziens of the Pomona Gossip Wiki, Shall feel the Wraths of Linda Rigas

Just because I'm on the other side of country doesn't mean I fail to keep tabs on the discourses of the 5Cs. And it doesn't mean I won't speak out when I sense an environment dominated by mysoginisms. Down with the Phallocracy!

Gossip about handjobs on the dancefloor and "bitches" buried on Marston Quad? Surely, you didn't think my third-wave, radical agents would fail to alert me of this hatespeech with all due haste? Even now, my cohorts at Berkeley and USC are preparing a series of be-ins to subvert the power dynamic of this website and show you the grevious error of your ways.

This post isnt funny Duncan/Drew, its just stupid.

Duncan is not responsible for this post. He has better grammar than this.
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unfortunate beard alert

Erik P. = looks like a lumberjack. This is doubly unfortunate because he has also been seen perpetrating another fashion crime: the fascist hat. This ridiculous, faux-Castro, disaster of a headpiece has also been spotted on Chris Mcsomething, Zach S., Ben M., and other wannabe hipster doofuses.
Nice guys all, but it really is an embarassing hat.
That hat is not worthy of the name "fascist"; fascists are fly.
A hot lumberjack, maybe.

Hand Jobz

androgony got an X.tra hand job from a stranger in LA this weekend.
Moreover, said job occurred on the dancefloor.

at least the guy was hot...

Pogoss is soooo popular

we made the local top 25!... we even beat the pokemonlovers, take that Wyatt D.!

There's a Choose Your Own Adventure Wiki?!?!?!? Now I can spend more of my valueless time in wikitopia!


wtf about no snack 2 nights in a row?
2 nights in a row is incorrect. EVERYONE whos ANYONE knows there's no snack on on saturday night or friday just to make things clear
possibly an early, convenient boycott stand?
Frank was also closed for breakfast today. I found out at the same time this girl did. Elissa Direct quote from her: "I want to kill those responsible with a spoon." Wouldn't that be eating the other?

[[1]] <--------I think these kids are lost?

further nerdy newz

Paul Saint-Amour is returning from sabbatical in the spring, but perhaps not for long...... his wifey is finishing up her PhD & needs a JOB and if she can't find one in Claremont, PSA has tonz of lucrative offers elsewhere, because everyone loves him, because he is a genius.

That COB was shucked

need I say more?

YES. Please elaborate.
elaboration: they've been spotted drunkenly canoodling. who knows when things actually end

oh come on, you can figure it out

What is this... Mufti?

 the poor girl's lip gloss
False prophets sent FromtheRocks
constantly drain elixir of life

if that was mufti, i'll be cranky. mufti makes me want to transfer to another school.
stick to vandalizing art buildings, not the wiki!


Will S. & Sarah D.: canoodling happened. the wiki knows.
(clarification: that's Sarah D. '08)

Im pretty sure the '08 was assumed by anyone who knows anything

really living up to the whole corresponding thing, eh?
truu...what's next, the remix + one of androgyny's X's?
I don't think so, but is this the other sarah we are speaking of [[2]?

Nope, that Sarah is '09 and is probably UNLIKELY to be mistaken for a blonde 12 year old boy.

seen outside Walker

Kathleen F. and Lillian E. sharing a moment. are they a couple? DUH

Also seen: Dave S. and Aaron C. wearing identical clothing.

Walker denizens got it good. free peep shows.

questionable ethics

K.R. and C.G. are going out. Dont tell anyone though, its kind of sketchy.

It's also kind of totally hot.

it took me way too long to decode this message. pogoss shouldn't be work!!!!!!!!11

yeah, what happened to the "first name, last initial" format?

Hint: CG is faculty and KR is most assuredly not.

Technically, CG is STAFF, not faculty. The mere mention of this fact produces a veritable fountain of bitterness from said CG. I seen it with my own eyes.

so does anybody know if it's against the rules to sleep w/ faculty? is this in the student handbook? not that I have my eye on any dreamy long-haired surfer history professors or anything. just idle curiosity.

^ Professor Wilder broke his leg last year. How? Skateboarding in a pool. The man is like 42 years old.

Eww: stop crushing on olds. Freud (probably) sez, "Old Boy Crush=Father Figure." Stop crushing on your DAD!!!
puhhhlease, someone, queer this discourse
Don't give me that "queer the discourse" bullshit: I will hatecrime your ass, like, straight to the moon.
Crushing on dads is grooooosss.
Well, not if it's someone else's dad. Besides, telling someone who swoons over Gary Wilder not to swoon over Gary Wilder is like telling the sun not to shine.


I really like imagining sitting there alone on a Friday night, cackling as s/he deletes random PoGoss posts, hoping to make the whole thing slowly collapse from within. what s/he hasn't counted on is the fact that I, too, have nothing better to do on a Friday night than to restore the dearest wiki to her former glory, braided p bondage porn and all.

Is there any way of figuring out who that person is? I don't know anything about the internets or computers
isn't that an IP address? and aren't those like annonynmous. Except, since the computer is part of the Pomona network I'm almost a hundred percent sure you can find out who it is. I think someone needs to sleep with an ITS staffer.

see, this is the type of internet detective shit I'm talkin bout

baby bump!!

someone named Naomi (not Noemi, alas) who is also a senior is preggggggggggggggy
she's nice
I think there should be more preggers females on campus
I think there should be more preggers she-males on campus

This ain't myspace

okay, okay, okay. So I'm not trying to
a)turn PoGoss into a forum for religious thought
b)make this into a myspace profile with videos

I'm just trying to understand kirk cameron better. If you've already seen his the way of the master website, then you might like this:[[3]]

Too bad Horatio P. Moustache does all the talking. If his co-host is just gonna sit there looking pretty, he should replace Kirk with his sister Candace. And she should be naked.
^this is like a shot of testosterone into the wiki that I haven't really seen before. I think I"m undecided.

No Snack

Snack was cancelled "due to emergency." Any idea why?
DQ's hungry minge ate all the pretzels, rahzels.
above comment=meta wiki

Pomona is HOT HOT HOT

OK, no it isn't. But it also isn't keeping up with the latest trends in college and university publicity and promotion, as evidenced by this video from a rival institution.
my sister's friend and sister's friend's brother go there. I'm rethinking their existences.
i actually spent a summer there. beat that.
Was it HOT HOT HOT, or just the regular kind?
It's way up high in the mountains so it was actually kind of chill. not in the vernacular sense. and unfortunately, i didn]'t get to room in HOEY hall
OMG why can't Pomona do that. THe music is really good too... esp the sax solo coinciding with the picture of the man.
It's all about the random-ass tenor(?) gospel harmonizing toward the end.
I like "random-ass" as a word
Even when the weather is cold cold cold, appalachian is hot hot hot.

Awwwwwww, Cute.

Zeke P and Ann S spotted holding hands.
Spring is in the air.
<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 <3

I always thought it was spelled zeek. See what the wiki can teach you

Didn't he have a thing last year with one of her suitemates? Awkward.... That's the wrong Ann S, the one referred to in the item is not the oen you're thinking of

so who is the right one?

Why do all the Pogoss Kids Sit Together at Snack?

An informant told the former upperclassman counterpart of Big K that a table of Pogoss regulars had "their own website that talks about people"

well we can't very well sit together if snack NEVER happens

Download this fucking song!

  • "My Pussy"-TI
  • "Crazy" by Gnarls Barkley
  • "Making plans for Nigel" by XTC
  • "Great Release" by LCD Soundsystem
  • "Walking Through the Streets" - Mad Staring Eyes [dl it here: [[4]] or just get it off the network.]
  • "Keep it Down" by Kelis
  • "YiYiYi"-Ying Yang Twins
  • "You Can Count on Me" (Theme Song from "My Two Dads") by Greg Evigan [watch vids here: jazzy version or rocking version featuring Dick Butkus and a young Giovanni "Vonni" Ribisi scroll down and press play]
  • Cory Lee - The Naughty Song
  • anything by Swervedriver, esp. off "Mezcal Head"

I think "Harry and Maggie" is a representative sample? > "Harry and Maggie" is good, but the best songs are "Duel," "Duress," and "Last Train to Satansville." Also try their first album, "Raise" (especially its b-sides, i.e. "Kill the Superheroes")

  • "How many times" - Solomon Burke (try Gorilla Gorills on itunes)
  • "Glory of Love" - Peter Cetera

^Is this for real? ^ fuck yeah, it's epic!!!

  • "Falling Out" - Kim Wilde
  • "Baby" - Os Mutantes
  • "Two Can Win" - J Dilla (listen on J Dilla's page)
  • "Just" (Radiohead cover) - Mark Ronson feat. Alex Greenwald
  • "Everywhere"-Fleetwood Mac (cred goes to Dru X and J Razzle)
  • "Handle Me"-Robyn
  • "boucne2" by Paper Rad - not sure if this is what it's actually called, but that's how it's spelled on the network
  • your new fave song
Come on, kids... 
I want to have a substantial PoGoss playlist by the end of the week. (Watch the traps...)
can a KSPC dj please put these in genre categories. It is just this mess of songs right now. They don't have to be boring genres....

^I find the randomness rather charming.


Sarah ? was being searched for by a frantic/overpossessive bf(?) through the halls of N-C tonight. she had been missing for 4 hours and he called camp sec............

I thought her name was Emily

and now she is back.
oh man. the world is so full of frantic/overposessive bfs. But I think frantic/overpossessive is a euphemism

friday night's disturbance reference??
bad form.
I agree with the statement above, but I am also kinda impressed there was no deleting. Maybe deleting should happen? nope. let it ride.

Remix sports new looks

The remix has been impressing us all with a variety of hairstyles and outfits. Keep up the good work!

WHO is the remix?

yeah, but who IS the remix?


BUT what happened to Lindsay Lohan??? I mean, just wonderin

lindz l. is too busy hanging out at the chateau m. with hayden c. (aka darth v): seen it with me own eyez


Pogoss Loves Free Speech!!!

Everyone loves Pogoss, and free speech as we know it! I can only assume that it's the lovable ASPC, but I guess love conquers all. Is there any way to spread the love of Pogoss without eliminating the whole thing?

  • People like des rochers and Co. wouldn't understand the principle of free speech
  • Whoever is changing peoples' posts needs to stop... If you don't like what's written at Pogoss, post a response comment, but don't erase what was orignally said, or better yet, don't lookj at Pogoss. Ignore it and it will go away.

Joe S + a fish???!??!

Actual photographic evidence!!!! I heard it was a high-profile chino sheep

^do I smell Big K, or someone being very unfunnily sarcastic?


Who's erasing shit?!

not sure that is the best way to find out.
Instead, we should set up some kind of elaborate cyber trap. Don't pretend you haven't seen The Net with the woman we love to love, Sandra B.(who is currently wasting her time on that meathead jesse james or whatever his meathead name is--I bet hes a real marshmellow under that tough exterior, aren't they all? And by they I mean RAPISTS!!!!!!!!)

oops I outed myself as a feminist, well David B's a femnazi too, so I can also be

and other cyber thrillers like that one with Hayden and Rachel l. c.. We should've learned something from movies like those and not just lusted after Hayden.

We need that blind guy from Sneakers.

swimfan, anyone?

What the hell are you talking about??

Pogoss Hatecrimed by Student Govt

| Check out "student govt get A+" and upper/underclassmen post

Weekend Hookups

  • R. S.-S. and C. DuB.: keeping up the neighbors
  • Marcel D and Alex W., made out a bit in C2 then left together
  • w00t! Turn the naughty on!
I wish I said that like in general. wooot woooooot, turn the nAuGhTy ON!!!!!

Mr. Parker & red bandana

- Seen on a cloudy Sunday: Mr. Parker with a red bandana hanging out the back pocket of his jeans, apparently obvlivious to its connotations.


Did Braided P actually graduate from Pomona?

?? She was definitely a Pomona student. I think graduated, but she might have dropped out her senior year...

help pogoss!

we need to spread the word about pogoss, before it becomes too boring and incestuous... I'm not saying the whole school should be on here, but in the entire time it's existed we should've generated more than the 50 odd items here.

Maybe have TSL write an article?

I needed to fill the void.

who do you think you are? incest isn't bad. liberate yourself

it is growing, stop freaking out.

-TSL has banned all mentions of Pogoss. An article on everyone's favorite wiki was slated to run in the past issue, but the editor's cut it so as not to promote "anti-social behavior"

-wait, they actually said "anti-social behavior"?...does this forum's setting in cyberspace preclude it from being a social activity?
and more info about TSL's stance on pogoss please.

Student Government Gets a D+

I was thinking the effect that the Pomona Student Government has had on our lives at Pomona each year, and I realized just how incredibly ineffective our current Student is!
-Hey, the ASPC has been working hard all year on important issues! Mostly these are issues over which they have no say (like DDT), and they are still working hard!
-Yeah, the CCLA sponsored party last night had more than 2 people at any given time! Giving away booze is hard you know!
-There was a CCLA-sponsored party last night!
-Lori is certainly the best president we've had since I've been here! (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA) -Lori is the most! approachable student president evar!!!!!1111!!!!!!!!! And somehow this makes her really annoying for graduating!!!!!
- I think one of her biggest problems is that can't take criticism, even constructive criticism. She has the tendency to dismiss anyone's ideas if she doesn't share them.

I have no doubt that PoGoss will prevail...

"after all, this isn't PoGoss?" good one, lori D. you are completely useless.

uh, and the wiki is useless, because it only invites you talk about room draw and the like. boring.

^just point out that this doesn't make any sense because I don't really think there has been any posting about room draw soooo.....I mean, right?   

lori d's wiki is totally obsessed with room draw & wants you to measure your room & it's weird

Best of Places to Gossip? PoGoss, duh.

^THAT got removed, too. And the livejournal entry is deleted. I guess the opposition doesn't want to compete.

Best website to read while eating? PoGoss, duh.

DQ Leaving

-Word is that DQ will be retiring at the end of next year. The search for a replacement is already underway.

- fo' real?? ...oh man. I need to take a minute

-Yeah, that has been the "rumor" every year I've been here, "that charming woman" is gonna be buried on Marston quad, give it up.

(I like the fact that "charming woman" is probably reading that.)

- No, this comes straight from a reliable faculty member. DQ is on the way out.

I've heard she and the Ox don't get along. Possible showdown in the future? Involving creamed corn, perhaps? I'd buy a ticket.

Upper/Underclass(wo)men Correspondences


Hesper clearly does not =Sarah D

Androgyny X.=Remix <---oh Truuuuuue

Chloe Dao =First Noel
Will S.=Benett or David B or something maybe a wolf or a raptor I guess
??????=Kritian M.
Geoffery L.=WillH. --> why is this on here?
Sam M.=Jay S.

Sam M. = Jay S.??? Thats pretty harsh on Sam, dont you think?

Not really: same high school, natural frisbee prowess, general wackiness, capacity for long-term relationships... it fits.

whoops, I was thinking of Jay D., the math major.

Uh, this isn't even gossip. Get your shit straight, you ridiculous people.

oh, so now you're the pogoss regulator huh.

Dorky News

Paul Mann will be heading up the soon-to-be decimated Department at Pomona... get ready for curmudgeonly antics.

  • Cris Miller, Paul Saint-Amour, Arden Reed, Val Thomas, Martha Andresen: all are going to be gone for at least the first semester. David Foster Wallace.

At least Aaron Kunin will still be around.. quote from AK: "I don't find it very easy to talk to children" oh here's another: "There is no sexual intercourse in my work. All sex in my work is intercrural."

police cars near ITS?

What's up with the 3 police cars, 1 fire truck, DQ, Ric Townes, and assorted other serious-looking people hanging out in the parking lot by ITS at 1:20 on Friday? Could it incident?

I heard that Ric Townes' head was caught in DQ's hungry minge, and they needed the jaws of life to free it!
What's a minge?
It's a type of receptacle...

let's talk about sex.

- Why are we coding receptacle with the word minge? This type of coding is just a way to further repress sexuality and in turn oppress people with marginalized sexualities. It MEANS that Ric Townes is DQs bottom. Hopefully, DQ is nice to her bottoms, not unlike a noted top and rapper, Ludacris, who says to his bottoms, "here's a pillow, bite...that." This imagined sexual power dynamic is an allegory for Townes and DQ's relationship as Pomona college colleagues and/or big cheeses. So deciding whether there is a sexual relationship among these cheeses or not is not as relevant as the dynamic that the fictious account of their sexual relationship illuminates. This imagined sexual relationship helps us better understand their interactions within the Pomona college community of which we are all a part.

who has the best stuff on the network?

I know about gandalf; who else?

  • megaman
  • mario
  • elm
  • downstairs
  • gimli
  • riffcold

maybe we could break this down further with kinds of music, tv shows, movies, and what not? these don't seem like the type of guys who'd share lindzey lohan movies or the o.c.

Great idea! Why don't you get right on that?

ummm, I'm dumb. how does one go about this? 
  • If you're using a Windows-based machine, go to Start, then Run, and type \\\\gandalf or whatever into the box. If you're on a Mac, good luck.
  • On a Mac, go to the Finder, hit apple-K then type in smb://gandalf or smb://elm or whatever.

vampires on campus??!

two days ago, thousands of dollars of books/journals were stolen from the Science Library. and then yesterday some vampire wrote "SHITBLOOD" (or maybe "SHIT BLOOD" -- sources are unclear) on the library in fake blood & they had to call a hazmat team to come clean it up. you can still kinda see... it's on 7th street, on the way to ITS
Also on the corner or sixth and College Way (I think?--the closed one) the vampire wrote "OSS" in big (fake) bloody letters. Anyone vampire?

think the stolen books/journals and the vampire activity are actually unrelated events. OSS = Our Secret Society
= attention-starved Pitzer kids...don't think they want/care about SGM books.
A few weeks ago, some students received playing cards with OSS messages written on them from
2 blue-suited figures. Sounds like we can expect more antics in the future..

Library Perv

There is a library pervert (in addition to Mr. Tiu). He is about 35-40, dark hair, tall, tawny... beware, he "reads" or "works on the computer" while staring at girls. I seen it twice.

Pogoss NOT to appear in TSL article

TSL was going to write an articcle about everyone, but they decided that they didn't want to advertise the existence of Pogoss. Cowardly or principled?

we wouldn't want a whole buncha tsl readers overrunning the place, putting their feet up on the furniture & eating all the good parts of the Chex Mix anyways

this is a good example of how TSL is totally useless & refuse to write about anything actually real or controversial going on around campus. they had nothing about the hate crime & sexual assault mentioned below... they would be the LAST place I'd look for breaking news, I trust pogoss to give me the real scoop first.

special post-grad pogoss newz update

alison rapoport dating ji chong
that's all.

so does her ex know he's gay yet?
he's not gay. at least not entirely.
Ji is too good for her. I <3 Ji.

Digester Gems

Tired of dancing to that degrade and stereotype? Looking for a that doesn't make you feel bad about yourself?

Come to the Women's Union Saturday from 9pm-12am


great songs, dancing, food, and fun!

Get down with social justice.


Got any good yo mama jokes? Wanna show 'em off while giving to a good cause? Come to YO MAMA for KATRINA RELIEF.


I don't think this is supposed to be advertising -- I think whoever posted this was poking fun at these ridiculous digester message. I mean, "Get down with social justice?" How stereotypical does the WU have to be?

yeah, duh. i don't think dwyer posts to this page.

Tony T?

Last semester I kept running into Tony T. at the library, even though he graduated (after however many years) last spring. Today I saw him in front of Smiley heading towards Smith. What is he still doing here? Grad school or something? Or is he just hanging out (creepily) on the campus for no reason? After 7 years, you'd think he'd want to move on...

prob trying to get hired as campus photographer

prob trying to foment racial tension on campus

wait I thought he had a watson? isn't he supposed to be BANNED FROM AMERICA for a year?? someone call mr. watson!!

except if you call mr. watson, he will ban pomona college from the watson forever! that's what happened to cmc.

Pretty sure Tony T received the Watson for '04-'05, which means he would have returned to the US less than a year ago. I could be wrong, though.

Jordan F is maybe staying w/ GF after graduation


ha! i'll believe it when i see it!

==Commencement Speaker== 	 

Who is this so-called Eileen Wilson-Oyelaran? President of Kalamazoo College? That's our commencement speaker? Hmmm... How unimpressive.

(She's the most prominent Pomona alum that they could get. Pomona only wants commencement speakers who will come for free. They've already used up the alums that anyone has heard of in the past few years [Bill Keller, Louis Menand], and nobody's famous relative would step up to the plate. Hopefully, the speeches won't all take a long time.)

I'd rather have no speaker than Kalamazoo ole-yeller.

What a stupid policy. Seems like they should take some of that $1.3 billion they've managed to accumulate and pop for a half-way decent speaker. Shouldn't they be trying to make one last good impression before we become alumni [potential donors]?

I asked Oxtoby about this-- he said they were trying to get Mia Hamm forever and then she backed out kind of last-minute so they got this one. Not that Mia Hamm would all that Pomona anyway. At least get the one who stripped on camera after making the goal. Yeah, this speaker sucks. One of my siblings decided not to come to graduation because of the dud speaker

 Did Mia Hamm go here? I guess I could check that out on wikipedia... 	 

Mia Hamm would have been so inspirational; I am so bummed out. I would have felt so honored and so inspired.

Hamm went to UNC-Chapel Hill. Only tangible Hamm-Pomona connection is this article: [5].

You realize that it's not just alums, but anyone that has a connection to the school or is otherwise willing to come for free, right? Recall the speaker from two years ago: Walter Cronkite. He did not go to Pomona, but his grandson did (and was graduating that year). Honestly, there's no excuse for not finding a more impressive speaker other than general incompetence and/or apathy on the part of the search committee.

Did you even read the paranthetical portion of this section? Because it says pretty much the EXACT SAME FUCKING THING.


Just a quick shout out to Dean Quinley as she reads this


Hey everyone, lets try and be a little more organized about posting. Before your section, add "==", followed by a title and ending with "==". Then, on the next line, add whatever gossip you want. Thanks.

a quick justification

lori desrochers or however you spell it is in the process of making a pomona college WIKI but because it will probably be very official and progressive and informational and dumb, this website is here to subvert it before it is even BORN.

DQ knows!!!

This just in: Inside sources have confirmed that DQ knows about the wiki. Just a heads up to all you wiki editors out there.

==Breaking News== Everyone's favorite CampSec Officer, Braided Ponytail, has been photographed in the buff for an "art project" on "japanese bondage porn."

Another Dean Cover-up

Earlier this semester, at least two girls were sexually assaulted over one weekend in the bathrooms near Edmunds ballroom. The perpetrators were drunk. One girl told the Pomona deans about it but, once again, the deans requested that she not only not press charges, but keep the incident on the DL. Not only is it scary that the deans would react his way, but the fact that the Pomona community is kept in the dark about the fact that such assaults even happen is outrageous. After all, who still has his/her rape whistle? Despite the fantastic acting in "Drawing the Shades," lessons can only be learned when the community is aware of the real dangers.

> What can be done about this?

>>alert the pomona community when this happens--most students can't even imagine assaults happening on campus

pogoss removed from real wikipedia

And the real perp has been identified: Amanda C (not to be confused with Weak C)

And it was removed from Wikipedia because it's in no way relevant or useful for anyone who is looking for actual information about Pomona College. (Except maybe on the quality of its students...but they can figure that out for themselves.)

omgeeee, so much controverseeeee. this wiki tells shit about pomona you ain't gonna get in no look book or from any pomona representative. If you don't want to know about it, don't look. But obvs, if a prospective student is intense into Pomona and they wany to know they should. I agree with the person below
This wiki is a perfect example of the quality of the students of Pomona College. So STOP TAKING THE LINK OFF WIKIPEDIA

What is it a perfect example of? A subset of, like, fifteen people who haven't gotten their shit together since junior high? If a prospie is "intense into Pomona," they should know that there are a few people who didn't figure out six years ago that talking about people on the internet just isn't nice? (I mean, not that you care.) It's Pomona--we all gossip, we're all bitchy and catty whatever. So why don't you keep it to the lunch table, or start a mailing list or something like everybody else? Why do you care so much about publicizing a site that's devoted to spreading brunch line bullshit? Please, please, grow up.

Or, if you really care about "tell[ing] shit about pomona," then do that--keep the stuff about "incidents," the administration, TSL, professors etc. But random gossip about individual people? Come on.

  • I have to agree, this shit is fucking petty. A parable:

"A man went about the community telling malicious lies about the rabbi. Later, he realized the wrong he had done, and began to feel remorse. He went to the rabbi and begged his forgiveness, saying he would do anything he could to make amends. The rabbi told the man, "Take a feather pillow, cut it open, and scatter the feathers to the winds." The man thought this was a strange request, but it was a simple enough task, and he did it gladly. When he returned to tell the rabbi that he had done it, the rabbi said, "Now, go and gather the feathers. Because you can no more make amends for the damage your words have done than you can recollect the feathers."

Now be nice to each other. -A. McD.

wait, does this mean you're NOT good in bed? *sigh*

Sounds like a vindictive rabbi, if you ask me.
Someone should give him a copy of the New Testament. HA!

So, talking shit about people behind their backs at brunch is better than making it (somewhat) public on the wiki? I competely disagree. At least here you can respond, rather than being completely oblivious. As has been said many times above, if you dont like what is said here, then either respond to it or ignore it, but people are talking the shit that being said here whether you like it or not. Get used to it.'

Oh, I'm sorry--so you think that what you're doing is totally acceptable? You don't even recognize how incredibly petty and bitchy it is? Good! If you really think Pogoss is legit, why don't you sign your names to it? (Especially since, you know, you have no problem naming other people.) If you really believe that everyone whose opinions you respect--all of your friends, professors, future employers, anyone who has access to the internet etc.--would be as impressed with you as you are with yourselves, stop hiding behind your IP addresses, and sign your name to everything you post here--so that people can know who they're responding to. Let's see some names, guys. (After all, since some of you seem to think it's an issue of free speech--and I shudder to imagine that you actually think that's what the issue is--isn't it better to stand up for that right than to cower behind it?)'

oh come on, 95% of the stuff on here is not mean stuff about other people, it's just random news and newsy randomness. 'Except for the stuff that's mean stuff about other people. If that stuff isn't what matters, then delete all of it and just keep the newsy stuff.


+ + OR instead of deleting everything, the PoGoss haters could stick their heads up their asses and collectively fug themselves, leaving our petty selves in peace. +

+ Is bold the wiki equiv of shouting?
+ Free speech is not the issue. I'm just looking for a place to read and report funny, titillating news. This is for those of us who love issues of Us Weekly, not for those of us big into "issues."
+ When you get bored with "issues," come back and vent, laugh, and maybe, if you're lucky, shed a few salty tears.
+ And if you're going to be mean, at least be clever about it.
+ Oh and finally, Lori D. is a public figure, which makes her fair game... How do you think Bush feels when he sees himself bashed all the time

(most snoozy debate everrrrrrr)

Real Hatecrime

>>>>>POMONA HATE CRIME<<<<< DQ will send out an incident report tomorrow...-- 21:28, 4 April 2006 (PDT)

DQ puts out an email... serious hate crime at pomona... so annoying how little things get blown out of proportion, but actual big things are covered up... If we don't get an "incident email" I will elaborate about the hate crime...

An actual hatecrime with no response... Apparently several gay students were talking loudly outside Smiley over the weekend, when I baseball player yelled out the window "Shut up, fags!" The students yelled back and the baseball player came downstairs and threatened them with a bat. Quinley became involved but apparently wants to "handle this internally" and is not going to send out an email about the incident. That is some serious Pomona hypocrisy: blow all the silly "fags are gay" stuff wildly out of proportion while covering up a serious shit like this...

  • this incident happened weeks ago. Just an FYI.
  • oh good that means we can forget about it... jk I know you only posted the more exact date to be helpful.
  • this is coming before J Board soon. Innocent until proven guilty, right people? we live in America. -g
  • I don't think anyone's advocating a lynch mob here, but doesn't it strike anyone that a serious incident receives no coverage when stupid stuff is blown out of proportion?
  • you may not be advocating a lynch mob, but some students might. in this case, where there is a specific perp, it makes more sense to allow the established disciplinary system handle punishment, rather than forcing this poor, stupid bastard to be harassed and ostracized by half the campus -g
  • Very true. I'm sure that the major reasons this incident has been hushed up is the fear that activist groups on campus would call for the guy's head. But that's no excuse. As far as I'm concerned, this is Quinley's fault for never, ever standing up to minority pressure groups. She and the other Deans are more than willing to feed into their agenda with the IRT and the campus-wide emails. And now when it becomes apparent that their Frankenstein is dangerous, they're too weak to stand up to it.
  • its not just about these groups calling for the guy's head. they could do worse -- id place money on them doing worse. but yes, the alarmist culture that DQ and the IRT have helped breed should certainly share the blame. -g

20 Juniors deferred

Does anyone know if the rumors that the rising junior class were deferred in room draw are true? 	 

^completely true as of now. they might just get roomed at scripps again, or have to find off campus living

awesome lecture title


stop taking stuff off the wiki!

People need to stop taking stuff OFF the wiki if it's true -- that goes against wiki rules. Examples:
-some sophomore has his jaw wired shut HA! - yeah, he fell in the grand canyon, really funny, right? what the fuck is wrong with you ...
-a certain walker friendship-suite denizen whose name is SUSANNAH is hooking up with a freshman named nik

A2 tatoos

Certain high profile Lawry A2 inhabitants (and a certain high profile friend) recently got matching tattoos. To score a peek, catch them in their shortest running shorts and focus where the tanline ends.

lighten up Jean Chavez

Jean Chavez needs to lighten up. Yesterday he told me he was le fuming that people were taking his name in vain. He was shouting and stomping on his beret, saying "Merde! merde merde merde MERDE! I can not beleeeve zeez Americains! Zey are so, how do you say, like zee pigs! Zey are le pig-like!" Listen up, Jean, I know you Frenchies are a stubborn and proud lot, but chill out: you are le popular.

I hate when people take my name in vain..vein...-----

A. McD. good in bed

Word on the street is: A. McD. is "good in bed."

I heard that, but I barely know who A. McD. is and I don't know what street I'm on

andrew e boning someone

andrew e boned somebody. or he claimed to in an away message

>I believe the "bone" reference is meant to signify one Hesper D...the BONESTER!<

Perhaps it was in reference to the bards of our generation, who spake, "I only roll with Bone my gang look to where they lay / When playing with destiny, plays too deep for me to say"


and this news is clearly header worthy, no matter what tree-trunk neck thinks about it
and he also has built-in temperature sensors
and a wicked ra-roar

Harvey Mudd jealous

The other colleges are just jealous because we're popular
harvey-I'm antisocial and I embrace it as my personality-mudd won't even let us come to their parties anymore.

stephen l dating stripper

so apparently: a certain stephen l was on a date with a stripper in claremont...who might also be an actress in the adult film industry, begging the question, where and how did they meet?

Mr. Parker + estaff freshman

Uh.. "Mr. Parker" and a certain KSPC estaffer pitzer freshman... totally went home together after the blowout

deans hatecrime transgendered people

Pomona's deans hate-crime transgendered people and want them to leave campus, but not really

  • DQ fights hard for transgendered students. I saw her work to convince an admin committee to give money for a transgendered speaker>>can't remember the speaker's name

^are you that a consellation prize

wiki similar to j. fox chatroom

This wiki kinda reminds me of a chat room I was in with a bunch of girls gossiping about jimmy fox and spencer frank when I was in 5th grade. I'm not saying it is bad.

I heard Jimmy Fox has head lice.

Andrew B subscribes to Details magazine

I heard that's where he finds out where to meet hot guys in Rio.

I also heard that he and andrew P are going to rent an apartment together in the Castro yeah that's so true

Pomona students bored

Pomona students are bored.

Today a TSL staff member, who will remain unnamed, received an envelope from an annonymous person that was straightforwardly addressed to "The Student Life." Inside the envelope was a photocopy of the lastest publication of TSL with a correction of the news heading:

"Housing policy change [cannot]illicits frustration." It must "ELICIT" frustration.

OC info

When is OC filming?

      • Why does it matter?

I don't think the OC filmed here after all...the Ox didn't come through.



does loving pogoss mean that I actually love pomona more than tour guides do, but I choose to show it in a different more alt way? If so, I'm a little embarassed, but also not giving up on pogoss.


"duncan" is "seeing more of" "jen"
quotations brought to you straight from the cmc dining hall

and apparently hesper "totally approves" of her

OMG I ACTUALLY KNOW DUNCAN AND JEN! I just met them. I don't know if I approve of either. Why do the only two people I know (of) from CMC pop up on here. Oh, life. ---DUNCAN AND JEN GO TO POMONA------


---DUNCAN AND JENN DEF ALSO GO TO CMC!! check out this creepy link p.s. please don't tell me i need to know how html to do this thing. i'll be mad.

another question

Which digester subject title is better?

Jewish Black Panthers???
(photo courtesy of tein's classy photo album, "Dizzee Support")


TONIGHT: Student-Athletes of Color + 21 Choices
(This pic is from OA leader orientation. I found it just by google image searching "21 choices". It was on the first page...)


There are RATS (maybe big mice) living in Walker.

I saw one scramble up a pipe in my room (brazenly, while I was at my desk!) into a hole in the ceiling, and shrieked.
That hole is now taped up, but all you Walker denizens better watch out, especially those living in the friendship suites of the arm on the west side of the middle courtyard.

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