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Help Wanted

Sarah, 4-24-06 you have a lot to vent + a lot to say. I understand how intimidating it can be to approach me/address me, as unfounded as that is, it's a reality. If this is true for you, question why'.br> Recognize, please. that I do not take the time to help white students learn shit on a one-on-one basis. I do not have the enrgy for thi. My approaching you is out of a level of mutual respect. I needed you to hear what you said, I did not need you toexplain or justufy it to me. I know that your intentions are good; if they weren't, I would not bother to talk to you
Intimidation is a separate issue. I acknowledge how scary, intimidated, etc., you and others may be of me + others may be of me +/or the group of us in a class. yes, we are friends, but more significantly, we are allies. It is the work that I know person, person, +person do are eager to keep doing around race, class sex, gender, sexual orientation, etc. that structures this bond. I have a lot of respect for you taking classes in which you may not get to feel comfortable, but I will not temper/mediate that experience for you. That's not my job. These same classes are salvation for me because for the first time I can tag-team. I will make space for my "team," my allies to get their voices heard because we don't get that in other spaces...and "intellectual discourse" is not free, unbiased, equal territory. I will + do make more space for my allies to be heard when I can; they do the same for me. I'm not unconcious of the fact that I hold a lot of power as an individual in this class or on this campus in a sense. People default to me a hell of a lot out of fear, intimidation, etc. What I need to hear is that that is their shit, not mine. I am not going to shut myself up anymore than I already do in order to benefit the experience of white students.
I'm not sure if I'm making sense or being productive at this point, but I'm open to written or oral dialogue. Let me be clear that I will not cater to your needs, but that does not mean that my ears are shut. I hear, see + feel you + will continue to do so...
And I guess I'll just leave it at that.
Talk soon

Now lets get this straight. I'm not making fun. He has points. Some I agree with some I don't, but I just wanted this to be up here. I mean Aakash is a public figure (in TSL lingo or a celeb in pogoss lingo). He acknowledges that and so I thought it would be ok to put this up here, but who really knows. Maybe its totally rude and inappropriate. In my opinion this letter he gave me is public. He never told me not to tell anyone. And I'm just curious if people have opinions. Maybe no one really cares. Only the wiki will tell.

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