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== Another Dean Cover-up ==
== Another Dean Cover-up ==
Earlier this semester, at least two girls were sexually assaulted over one weekend in the bathrooms near Edmunds ballroom. The perpetrators were drunk. One girl told the Pomona deans about it but, once again, the deans requested that she not only '''not''' press charges, but keep the incident on the DL. Not only is it scary that the deans would react his way, but the fact that the Pomona community is kept in the dark about the fact that such assaults even happen is outrageous. After all, who still has her rape whistle? Despite the fantastic acting in "Drawing the Shades," lessons can only be learned when the community is aware of the real dangers.
Earlier this semester, at least two girls were sexually assaulted over one weekend in the bathrooms near Edmunds ballroom. The perpetrators were drunk. One girl told the Pomona deans about it but, once again, the deans requested that she not only '''not''' press charges, but keep the incident on the DL. Not only is it scary that the deans would react his way, but the fact that the Pomona community is kept in the dark about the fact that such assaults even happen is outrageous. After all, who still has her rape whistle? Despite the fantastic acting in "Drawing the Shades," lessons can only be learned when the community is aware of the real dangers.
> What can be done about this?
a certain junior south campus drug dealer was found passed out in his room with blood trickling from his nose. jasa has been contacted
a certain junior south campus drug dealer was found passed out in his room with blood trickling from his nose. jasa has been contacted

Revision as of 19:05, 12 April 2006


Another Dean Cover-up

Earlier this semester, at least two girls were sexually assaulted over one weekend in the bathrooms near Edmunds ballroom. The perpetrators were drunk. One girl told the Pomona deans about it but, once again, the deans requested that she not only not press charges, but keep the incident on the DL. Not only is it scary that the deans would react his way, but the fact that the Pomona community is kept in the dark about the fact that such assaults even happen is outrageous. After all, who still has her rape whistle? Despite the fantastic acting in "Drawing the Shades," lessons can only be learned when the community is aware of the real dangers.

> What can be done about this?

a certain junior south campus drug dealer was found passed out in his room with blood trickling from his nose. jasa has been contacted

special post-grad pogoss newz update

alison rapoport dating ji chong
that's all.

so does her ex know he's gay yet?
he's not gay. at least not entirely.
Ji is too good for her. I <3 Ji.

--- some SQUARE removed pogoss from the real pomona wikipedia page. but whatever, I just put it back. it's like we're in the encyclopedia. --- someone removed it again! ---

The perp has been identified: weak c. needs to stop sabotaging the wiki, deleting our wikipedia entry, and making her facebook profile friends-only. Take a joke.

It's not weak c., it's the person who wrote her facebook profile and now feels guilty and worries that she's going to find it and feel bad that some random people are making fun of her because of her chin. Relatedly, you are all aware that most people haven't seen something this ridiculous since middle school, right? And "take a joke" really only works when the person involved is in on the joke. Otherwise, it's just mean.
FART ewwww

And it was removed from Wikipedia because it's in no way relevant or useful for anyone who is looking for actual information about Pomona College. (Except maybe on the quality of its students...but they can figure that out for themselves.) fart

An actual hatecrime with no response... Apparently several gay students were talking loudly outside Smiley over the weekend, when I baseball player yelled out the window "Shut up, fags!" The students yelled back and the baseball player came downstairs and threatened them with a bat. Quinley became involved but apparently wants to "handle this internally" and is not going to send out an email about the incident. That is some serious Pomona hypocrisy: blow all the silly "fags are gay" stuff wildly out of proportion while covering up a serious shit like this...

      • this incident happened weeks ago. Just an FYI.
          • oh good that means we can forget about it... jk I know you only posted the more exact date to be helpful.

Does anyone know if the rumors that 20 people in the rising junior class were deferred in room draw are true?

^completely true as of now. they might just get roomed at scripps again, or have to find off campus living

>>>>>POMONA HATE CRIME<<<<< DQ will send out an incident report tomorrow...-- 21:28, 4 April 2006 (PDT)

I seriously hope DQ puts out an email... serious hate crime at pomona... so annoying how little things get blown out of proportion, but actual big things are covered up... If we don't get an "incident email" I will elaborate about the hate crime...


People need to stop taking stuff OFF the wiki if it's true -- that goes against wiki rules. Examples:
-some sophomore has his jaw wired shut HA!
-a certain walker friendship-suite denizen whose name is susannah is hooking up with a freshman

Certain high profile Lawry A2 inhabitants (and a certain high profile friend) recently got matching tattoos. To score a peek, catch them in their shortest running shorts and focus where the tanline ends.

Jean Chavez needs to lighten up. Yesterday he told me he was le fuming that people were taking his name in vain. He was shouting and stomping on his beret, saying "Merde! merde merde merde MERDE! I can not beleeeve zeez Americains! Zey are so, how do you say, like zee pigs! Zey are le pig-like!" Listen up, Jean, I know you Frenchies are a stubborn and proud lot, but chill out: you are le popular.

I hate when people take my name in vain..vein...-----

Word on the street is: A. McD. is "good in bed."

I heard that, but I barely know who A. McD. is and I don't know what street I'm on

andrew e boned somebody. or he claimed to in an away message


and this news is clearly header worthy, no matter what tree-trunk neck thinks about it

The other colleges are just jealous because we're popular
harvey-I'm antisocial and I embrace it as my personality-mudd won't even let us come to their parties anymore.

nothing can hide from the wiki. the wiki is everywhere and everyone. endearing photo to follow.

so apparently: a certain stephen l was on a date with a stripper in claremont...who might also be an actress in the adult film industry, begging the question, where and how did they meet? huwee

whoops, my bad

Uh.. "Mr. Parker" and a certain KSPC estaffer pitzer freshman... totally went home together after the blowout

Seen at Smiley 80s: A certain Pomona ogre leaving with a certain Scripps first-year.

Pomona's deans hate-crime transgendered people and want them to leave campus, but not really

This wiki kinda reminds me of a chat room I was in with a bunch of girls gossiping about jimmy fox and spencer frank when I was in 5th grade. I'm not saying it is bad.

-I heard Jimmy Fox has head lice.

Andrew B subscribes to Details magazine

I heard that's where he finds out where to meet hot guys in Rio.

I also heard that he and andrew P are going to rent an apartment together in the Castro

yeah that's so not true

1) gross, 2) since "monique" was down why go for this "ashley" over break anyways, 3) thanks to the miracles of plastic surgery you can be a former almost anything, and 4) it was more of a severe underbite anyways

seen & heard in mexico: former no-chin-ashley was trying very hard to seduce sam. don't know if she followed through, but she was definitely wearing fewer clothes than anyone else. her seduction tool: strip beer pong.


I don't think you can be a former no-chinner. if you are born with a weak or no chin (I'm not sure which is more unfortunate) I believe you will always be that way

Pomona students are bored.

Today a TSL staff member, who will remain unnamed, received an envelope from an annonymous person that was straightforwardly addressed to "The Student Life." Inside the envelope was a photocopy of the lastest publication of TSL with a correction of the news heading:

"Housing policy change [cannot]illicits frustration." It must "ELICIT" frustration.

WHO has a job or some other sort of future?

let's make a list so we know who to resent/ask for money:

  • ian m! some sort of consulting, right?


  • Dave S got a huge signing bonus, unlike Ian M.
  • so did chris t. I hate people in good majors, who can actually make money from them.
  • not to mention Ben R
  • I think the aforementioned Monique has a consulting-related future

When is OC filming?

*** Why does it matter?


omg omg test test !!
i'm so happy!!

does loving pogoss mean that I actually love pomona more than tour guides do, but I choose to show it in a different more alt way? If so, I'm a little embarassed, but also not giving up on pogoss.


"duncan" is "seeing more of" "jen"
quotations brought to you straight from the cmc dining hall

and apparently hesper "totally approves" of her

OMG I ACTUALLY KNOW DUNCAN AND JEN! I just met them. I don't know if I approve of either. Why do the only two people I know (of) from CMC pop up on here. Oh, life.



---DUNCAN AND JENN DEF ALSO GO TO CMC!! check out this creepy link p.s. please don't tell me i need to know how html to do this thing. i'll be mad.

woot woot, wiki!
linds is a guureat way to start
QUESTION: Which digester subject title is better?

             Jewish Black Panthers???
(photo courtesy of tein's classy photo album, "Dizzee Support")
             TONIGHT: Student-Athletes of Color + 21 Choices
(This pic is from OA leader orientation. I found it just by google image searching "21 choices". It was on the first page...)

There are RATS (maybe big mice) living in Walker.

I saw one scramble up a pipe in my room (brazenly, while I was at my desk!) into a hole in the ceiling, and shrieked.
That hole is now taped up, but all you Walker denizens better watch out, especially those living in the friendship suites of the arm on the west side of the middle courtyard.

a quick justification

lori desrochers or however you spell it is in the process of making a pomona college WIKI but because it will probably be very official and progressive and informational and dumb, this website is here to subvert it before it is even BORN.

i hear that andrew e. is hanging out with the rollerbladers, wtf?

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