Natty Pogle, King of our Lions

From Pirate Bitch

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Lately, we haven't heard your cries

Of laughter, anger or surprise

Don't think we haven't missed

The fittest boy I ever kissed

The times we jibed and mocked

Insults were half-cocked

I wish you to know we love you

And we can be serious too

Spill out your concerns and woes

For us, anything you do goes

We are here, day and night

When you can't see the light

Yes we giggle and laugh

But that is only one half

Of the way we are

The other half does care

Whether you need a kiss

It's a chance we won't miss

Or just a smile

Come with us for a while

We love you more than any man,

Sincerely, it's the most we can,

Behind our tears and laughter,

Lies hearts yours forever after...

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