Alice In Wonderland
From Phonology
Alice奇境歷險記 | 第一章 掉進兔子洞→ | |
Lewis Carroll |
- 01 掉進兔子洞·Down the Rabbit-Hole
- 02 眼淚池·The Pool of Tears
- 03 機要局賽跑和說起來話長·A Caucus-Race and a Long Tale
- 04 The Rabbit Sends in a Little Bill
- 05 毛毛蟲的忠告·Advice from a Caterpillar
- 06 豬和胡椒·Pig and Pepper
- 07 發瘋的茶話會·A Mad Tea-Party
- 08 王后的門球場·The Queen's Croquet-Ground
- 09 The Mock Turtle's Story
- 10 龍鰕方舞·The Lobster Quadrille
- 11 誰偷了蛋糕·Who Stole the Tarts?
- 12 Alice的證詞·Alice's Evidence