Main Page
From Phoenity
Revision as of 23:25, 11 July 2006 by (Talk)
Welcome to the Unofficial Wiki for the icon and theme series called Phoenity.
Ever since Lim Chee Aun's (the creator of Phoenity), computer suffered a hard drive crash, there were no updates or word from Cheeaun. This wiki will help continue the work of the project by providing a central place to link downloads of current Phoenity skins.
Other optional things to do
- Add the url for your wiki to the Categorized wiki list. Simply edit that page and put your wiki under the appropriate category.
- To increase the amount of space you have for uploads, add links to from external sites, and go to the Link Quota Page to increase your uploads quota.
- Add a message to the Feedback Page if you see anything that could be improved.