Trick and/or Treat

From Pfnetwork

Happy Halloween! Watch!

Cast: Peanut Foot, Cupcake Man, Mr. Blood, Tie Dye Ted, Carrot Foot, Blood Senior, Eyeball Ball, Zombies, Teddy, Melvin

Running Time: 3:35

Locations: Peanut Foot's House, Mr. Blood's house, Space, A field, Cupcake Man's house

Page Title: Boooooooooooo... Boooooooooooo...

[edit] Transcript

{At Peanut Foot's house. Peanut Foot is holding a Spongebob Squarepants costume}

PEANUT FOOT: I can't believe the only Halloween costume available is this stupid Spongebob Squarepants outfit.

{Cut to just outside Peanut Foot's door. Cupcake Man is there and dressed as Dracula}

CUPCAKE MAN: Peanut Foot! Open up! I need a second opinion on my costume! Eyeball Ball said I look like a freak! {opens the door} What the-

{on screen} NERDY COMIX PRESENTS A PEANUT FOOT PRODUCTION: "Trick and/or Treat" Written and Animated by Asher. Starring: Peanut Foot, Cupcake Man, Eyeball Ball, Tie Dye Ted, Mr. Blood, Mrs. Bunion. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

{Cut to Mr. Blood's house}

MR. BLOOD: It's the day before Halloween! I swear, if one more day of October goes by I won't be able to control myself!

{Cut to space. The Earth spins around one time. Cut back to Mr. Blood's house. Mr. Blood gets all crazy-like (i.e. has a seizure). A watermelon with rockets flies by. Cut to a field. Carrot Foot, dressed as Homestar Runner, and Tie Dye Ted with a lampshade over his head, are standing there}

TIE DYE TED: So what did you do to your arms? Just cut them off?

CARROT FOOT: Yeah, I used a hacksaw.

TIE DYE TED: Hey, here comes Mr. Blood! He looks pretty depressed.

{Mr. Blood walks along the field and comes up to the pair}

CARROT FOOT: {walks up to Mr. Blood} Why are you depressed, Mr. Blood?

MR. BLOOD: Today is Halloween.

{Tie Dye Ted kicks Mr. Blood all the way into his house, which looks like a big brown building with a big frowning face on it. Cut to Mr. Blood's house}

MR. BLOOD: {walks up to the camera} Father, I failed you!

{Senior Blood appears}

SENIOR BLOOD: No, you only failed yourself!

MR. BLOOD: He's right. I must use my secret weapon!

{Fade out to black. Cut to a field. Eyeball Ball, dressed as Sauron's eye, Cupcake Man, and Peanut Foot are there}

PEANUT FOOT: That's actually a pretty good Dracula costume.

CUPCAKE MAN: Yeah, I know. I was going to be really creepy and have, like, some zombies and stuff, but, uh, it didn't quite work out.

EYEBALL BALL: Hm, I can only imagine.

{Cut to Cupcake Man's house}

CUPCAKE MAN: {holding a book called, "Big Fat Book of Songs"} Okay guys, you got to get it right this time. Try again.

{A pair of zombies appear and start singing tunelessly. They start eating each other}

CUPCAKE MAN: Hey! Don't eat each other!

{Cut back to a field}

PEANUT FOOT: Hm. Well, that must have been horrible!

{Suddenly, a Mr. Blood-like saucer appears. It has two claws. Cupcake Man starts fighting with the replica. Cupcake Man throws a fireball at the saucer, which takes 295 damage. The saucer throws a ball of shadow energy at Cupcake Man, who takes 400 damage and falls to the ground, then disappears. Peanut Foot throws a fireball at the saucer, which explodes}

EYEBALL BALL: I never thought I'd say this, but I wish Cupcake Man was still alive.

MR. BLOOD: Lost, lost... all is lost...

{cut to Melvin and Teddy's house. The TV screen shows GAME OVER: Neither players win}

MELVIN/TEDDY: Game over, neither players win?! What the-?

MELVIN/TEDDY: Oh yeah, uh, I blew up, and you lost a vital member of your crew. So we both lost.

{Close-up of Melvin/Teddy's face}

MELVIN/TEDDY: Ugh, I hate this video game! Let's go play Monopoly.

[edit] Notes

  • Though the toon lists Mrs. Bunion as a starring role, she is never seen nor heard in this toon.

[edit] References

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