Mother's Day Madness

From Pfnetwork

Melted cheese and airport traffic! Watch!

Cast: Peanut Foot, Muffin Foot, Cupcake Man, Donut Foot, Smarty Pants, Onion Foot

Locations: Peanut Foot's House, Cupcake Man's house, Smarty Pants' Apartment, Airport

Running Time: 1:48



{on white screen} Previously on Peanut Foot...

{In the living room}

CUPCAKE MAN: Hey, Peanut Foot, I feel really bad about what I did, is there anything I could do to make it up to you?

PEANUT FOOT: Well... you could... unclog the toilet.

CUPCAKE MAN: {angry eyebrows} NO.

PEANUT FOOT: Fine, live with your guilt.

CUPCAKE MAN: {groan} Where's the bathroom?

PEANUT FOOT: Second door on your left.

{on living room wall} AND NOW... THE EXCITING ENDING!

{Cut to outdoors, cue music}

Peanut Foot: Ah, it's too bad you have to leave so early, Mom and Dad.

MOM: Oh well, it was fun.

{cut to car}

PEANUT FOOT: {insert keys into car}

{cut to driver seat of car}

PEANUT FOOT: Huh. That's odd. My car won't start.

{cut to engine}

DAD: Um, maybe it has, uh, something to- to do, with, uh, the- the melted cheese put on the engine?

{Cut to driver seat of car}


{Cut to CUPCAKE MAN's house}

PEANUT FOOT: {goes to the door}

CUPCAKE MAN: {smiling} I swear, I have no idea what you're talking about.

PEANUT FOOT: Then why is there a big pile of cheese on your couch? {slams door}

{cut to white background} AND SO {momentarily changes to 4ND 50, etc}

{cut to SMARTY PANTS' apartment}

PEANUT FOOT: Hey, Smarty Pants, I need to need to borrow your car.

SMARTY PANTS: (cracking high voice) Oh sure, no problem. Here you go. {gives keys to PEANUT FOOT}

{cut to car driving along road}

{cut to Airport}

PEANUT FOOT: Hey Shorty, I need to go inside the airport.

ONION FOOT (w/police cap): First of all, you do not address an officer that way. Secondly, I can't allow you on the premises. An anonymous caller called earlier and said you were armed and dangerous.

PEANUT FOOT: I've got to get my parents in there!

ONION FOOT: Oh, they can go in. You can't.

PEANUT FOOT: That makes sense.

MUFFIN FOOT, DONUT FOOT: {goes in door}

PEANUT FOOT: Hey shorty, what would you rather me call you?

ONION FOOT: You need to address me by name.

PEANUT FOOT: Nah, Shorty, I--

ONION FOOT: That's it! You're arrested!

{cue credits}


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