Cat Cam

From Pfnetwork

Cat Cam is a series that follows the daily life of Asher Wycoff's cat and presidential candidate, John Wycoff.


The Star

Cat Cam stars John Wycoff and occasionally Asher Wycoff and Dylan Swiggett. In the special Cat Cam: Behind the Cat it was said every episode of Cat Cam was actually just CGI. However, nobody was stupid enough to fall for this lie. John Wycoff has an abbreviated tail and lives with Asher Wycoff, some of Asher's immediate family and three other cats, named Lola (or Sister), Majesty and Simon. John is running for president and is about to form an exploratory committee.



Episode 1: John goes to the water bowl and scratches his ear.
Episode 2: John bathes himself and looks at the camera.
Episode 3: John jumps up on a bed and walks around on it.
Episode 4: John darts through the kitchen into the sunlight.
Episode 5 - The Domestic Longhair: Documentary Style!


Cat Cam: The Movie
Cat Cam: Behind the Cat

See Also

Vote John 2008

External Links

The Cat Cam Webpage
Vote John 2008

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