Poopoo Bridge

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A short music video about an interesting bridge. The animation is by Asher Wycoff and the song is by Logan Whitehurst. Watch!

Page Title: 25% more tressel-spanning!

Cast: "I" and "A man"

Location: Near the Poopoo Bridge

Runtime: 0:15

[edit] Lyrics and Animations

Lyrics Animation
As I was on my travels, A car is driving along.
I came across a man, A toll booth with a man in it is shown
Who charged a toll to cross the tressel-spanning Poopoo Bridge. The car drives up to the booth. The man looks down at it.
I didn't miss the money, The car drives through the toll and breaks the gate.
And since the name was funny, "Poopoo" is circled and next to it is written "lol poopoo".
I laughed as I crossed the Poopoo Bridge. The car drives across the Poopoo Bridge.
The End The words "The end" appear.

[edit] External Links

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