From Pfnetwork
This page is about all the links, or affiliates, on
List of Affiliates has 15 affiliates, listed below.
- Asher's Rants - view
- Rubberhat - view
- Meepster Mania - view
- 123456789_10 - view
- PikaMario - view
- Pie Productions - view
- Flashanims - view
- JK Games - view
- Bill the Talking Head - view
- Kidz R Kool - view
- Toons For Us - view
- Randomnia - view
- Deep Cut Studios - view
- The Site of Random Stuff - view
- Stacey Levine - view
Affiliation Requirements
These are the requirements for your site if you want to be an affiliate on
- You must update regularly. If you update every other day for a while and then don't update for a month, I'm probably going to drop affiliation with you.
- Your site must have been around for over a month before you request affiliation.
- The majority of your site needs to be decent, creative stuff that you made. I prefer flash animations, but comics, PowerPoint presentations and writing are good too. If your site is all videos, widgets or games that you didn't design, I'm not going to affiliate with you.
- You must have decent spelling and grammar. None of this "omg tihs is mah websiet and i liek it bcuase it is gud" junk. That's just not acceptable.
- You must not have any nudity, coarse language or blood and guts splattering everywhere as everyone is killed in gruesome ways that should never be animated because they are simply too disgusting and the world is plenty violent without your disgusting, gorey animation that nearly made me sick.
- Don't hate spam my guestbook if I refuse affiliation. I don't have time for "u @#$%! ur a @#$%! u stupid @#$%! sdlfjalsjdflkj". It makes you look stupid.