Happy Birthday Leonard Nimoy!
From Pfnetwork
Revision as of 20:34, 13 August 2007 by Angelblade (Talk | contribs)
Self-explanitory. Watch!
Cast: Cupcake Man, Peanut Foot
Running Time: 0:16
Locations: A field
Page Title: Beam me up Cupcake Man
{A field. Cupcake Man is floating in the middle, wearing Elvish ears.}
CUPCAKE MAN: {wearing Spock ears} Happy birthday, Leonard Nimoy!
PENAUT FOOT: {comes on screen} Please turn to the left.
CUPCAKE MAN: {turns to the left}
{cut to close-up of PEANUT FOOT}
PEANUT FOOT: {takes a picture}
{cut back to main screen}
PEANUT FOOT: {laughs} That is so going on my blog. {leaves screen}
CUPCAKE MAN: {angry eyebrows}
{on current screen} HAPPY BIRTHDAY!