Snowman Death Match

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Two snowmen fight on TV. Watch!

Cast: Narrator, Snowman 1, Snowman 2, Eyeball Ball

Running Time: 1:05

Locations: Eyeball Ball's house

Page Title: Frosty strikes back!

[edit] Transcript

{on light blue screen}

NARRATOR: Fox presents Snowman Death Match!

{snowy place} 3 2 1 GO

SNOWMAN 1: {rushes at SNOWMAN 2}

SNOWMAN 2: {punches SNOWMAN 1}

SNOWMAN 1: {flip-kicks SNOWMAN 2}

SNOWMAN 2: {flip-kicks SNOWMAN 1}

SNOWMAN 1: {punches SNOWMAN 2 repeatedly}

SNOWMAN 2: {punches SNOWMAN 1}

SNOWMAN 1: {flip-kicks SNOWMAN 2}

SNOWMAN 2: {punches SNOWMAN 1 in the face repeatedly}

SNOWMAN 1, SNOWMAN 2: {falls of cliff}

SNOWMAN 2: {tackles SNOWMAN 1}

SNOWMAN 1, SNOWMAN 2: {lands in water}

SNOWMAN 2: {grabs SNOWMAN 1, throws him over his shoulder}

SNOWMAN 1: {comes up as a block of ice, submerges, emerges under SNOWMAN 2}

SNOWMAN 2: {falls in water, submerges as block of ice}

SNOWMAN 1, SNOWMAN 2: {tackles each other, falls back into water}

{cut to EYEBALL BALL's house}

EYEBALL BALL: Ah, I don't like this show. {changes channel}

{cut to TV}

NARRATOR: Law and order- Snowman Violence Unit

{on black screen} FROSTY'S HOUSE 42053 SNOW AVE. North POLE

{snowy place} 3 2 1 GO

SNOWMAN 1: {rushes at SNOWMAN 2}

SNOWMAN 2: {punches SNOWMAN 1}

SNOWMAN 1: {flip-kicks SNOWMAN 2}

SNOWMAN 2: {flip-kicks SNOWMAN 1}

{cut to EYEBALL BALL's house}

EYEBALL BALL: This is the same thing! {changes channel}

{cut to TV}

{on light blue screen} SOME STUPID SNOWMAN SHOW ON THE WB

{snowy place} 3 2 1 GO

SNOWMAN 1: {rushes at SNOWMAN 2}

SNOWMAN 2: {punches SNOWMAN 1}

SNOWMAN 1: {flip-kicks SNOWMAN 2}

SNOWMAN 2: {flip-kicks SNOWMAN 1}

{cut to EYEBALL BALL's house}


{cue music, on light blue screen} Snow Man Death Match is a parody of modern TV programming

{roll credits}

[edit] Notes

  • In the final message, it says 'Snow Man,' but it's 'Snowman' everywhere else.
  • Under the toon, it says, "I've always wanted to animate two snowmen fighting. Don't ask why."

[edit] References

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