Peanut Foot's Halloween

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How the foot stole Halloween. Watch!

Cast: Peanut Foot, Cupcake Man, Eyeball Ball, Citizens, Mr. Anybody, Smarty Pants, The Happysac Trio, Onion Foot

Running Time: 6:00

Locations: Peanut Foot's house, A field, A road, Mrs. Bunion's house



{At Peanut Foot's house. An alarm clock sits on a bedside table}

Alarm clock: Wake up!

{A mallet comes down from the ceiling and slams the clock. A calendar turned to the month of Octobe briefly appears. A pumpkin has replaced the clock on the table}

{on screen} A Peanut Foot Halloween. Music by the Stinky Kittens. ON WITH THE SHOW!

{Peanut Foot is standing next to a box of random costumes}

Peanut Foot: What should I be for Halloween? Perhaps a decaying corpse? Or an egg? Or the Grim Reaper?

{Cut to a field. Peanut Foot has a band around his waist that says, "Gimme gimme!" and Cupcake Man is dressed as the devil}

Peanut Foot: What do you think of my costume?

Cupcake Man: It's terrible.

{Cut to a road, where Eyeball Ball, dressed as the Grim Reaper, is walking. Peanut Foot goes up to a house with a bag labeled, "LOOT" and the door opens}

Peanut Foot: Fill 'er up!

{A citizen dumps candy into the bag}

{Eyeball Ball walks up to a citizen, who is sitting on some stairs with a bowl of candy in his lap}

Citizen: Take one.

{Eyeball Ball takes out his blood-covered scythe}

Citizen: I mean, take several.

{Eyeball Ball grabs the entire bowl of candy and walks away. Cut to a field. Mr. Anybody has a crown and is walking through it, leaving a gray path. Eyeball Ball walks past and kicks Mr. Anybody. Smarty Pants walks through, jumping. Carrrot Foot walks through, dressed as a kleptomaniac and carrying a bowl that looks like a decapitated person. The Happysac Trio walks past, dressed as a building. Onion Foot walks past, dressed as Strong Bad. A pumpkin falls in from the sky and jumps off. Cut to Mrs. Bunion's house}

Mrs. Bunion: I hate Halloween.

{Cut to the field, where Onion Foot is}

Onion Foot: Halloween is truly great.

{A piece of sky falls out and Onion Foot jumps over to where it fell}

Onion Foot: I wish I had a model rocket. {A model rocket appears} Woah, it worked.

{The rocket flies up and explodes. Carrot Foot walks up to a house, but has the door slammed in his face. Cut to Mrs. Bunion's house, where Mr. Blood and Mrs. Bunion are}

Mr. Blood: We should stop Halloween from continuing.

{Mr. Blood and Mrs. Bunion exit. Cut to a field, where an Acme Candy Vacuum has been set up and is sucking candy in. The vacuum sucks the last of the candy and the vacuum hose retreats to inside the main building storage area. Mrs. Bunion and Mr. Blood exit the building and walk off. Cut over to Peanut Foot, who is holding his now empty candy bag}

Peanut Foot: What happened to my candy?

Onion Foot: The candy is gone, the loot bag and all.

Cupcake Man: I know who did this.


  • This toon embarrasses Asher.
  • Smarty Pants bears the Sears brandname.


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