July Long 2008

From Peppercascade

Revision as of 17:05, 4 June 2008 by Boehrb (Talk | contribs)

For those going camping this July Long weekend. Everyone is encouraged to modify this wiki however they like, but please try to keep it simple (e.g. when an issue is settled, please summarize and replace any obsolete back-and-forth).


Where we're going

  • Probably the bridge site?
Kenora weather

Who's going and when

So far, one person is confirmed. When can we all leave?

  1. Brendan
  • Leaving by noon on Friday
  • Taking his own car
  • Can return any time (before the 7th)
  1. Next
  •  ?


These are our available canoes:

  1. Anyone's?


Tent planning

  1. Brendan's 4ish-man
    1. Brendan
    2. Jen
    3.  ?

Cooking and eating supplies

Naturally, we should probably share as much cooking equipment as possible.

Pots and pans:

  •  ?


  • Brendan's propane BBQ
  • Brendan's weird little fold-over grill thing for the campfire
  •  ?


  •  ?


  •  ?


  •  ?

Adventuring equipment

Rock Climbing

Those who wish will have the opportunity to do some real rock climbing this weekend. Brendan is a certified wall climbing instructor and has his Level 2 rock climbing certification.

  • Brendan is bringing:
    • 50m rope
    • Harness
    • Climbing shoes
    • Many caribeaners, some accessory cords, 1 ATC
    • No helmets or chalk
  • Mark Peters is coming?
    •  ?

Cliff Jumping

There are some cliffs worth jumping off of and probably some worth diving off of. We'll just need to find them ourselves.


  • Anyone like fishing?


  • Brendan's axe and hatchet
  • Brendan's drawing chalk
  • Tarps, rope, tent pegs will be brought by various people (inc. Brendan's giant one)
  • Brendan's dice
  •  ?

Still needed


  • A largeish grill that can be put atop a firepit
    • Brendan has one but its quality and size is suboptimal
  •  ?

Dustin's Remarks

Have any input, Dusty?

Since it is Spring and if you guys get bored sitting around the campsite their are many things away from the campsite worthwhile.

-There is always the cliff jumping lake you could go to. It is to the south of the campsite. The portage is a bit of a workout but it's not that painful.

  • Mark How high are the cliffs? will it be worth it? Do you have detailed instructions?
    • Dustin I think they are anywhere between 20 - 35'. This is just a guess. The last time I was there was 2005. Please check for depth. Look at the placemark on my map for it's location.

-At the far south end of the lake their is a river with some nice waterfalls. It is spring now so the river is flowing xtra fast. It would be worthwhile to head down there for a day if you have time.

-The caves and crevases are also fun at the northwest end of the lake (where we went last Sept. long).

  • Boehrb: I definitely want to explore some caves.
  • Boehrb: Dusty, do you know of any Indian paintings or "spooky" sites nearby?
  • Boehrd: There is a island to the south that was said to have native petroform on it at one time. I think since then they have been moved. Other then that the caves are very mysterious, and the falls at the south end of the lake must have been a well known place for the local natives at one time.

Final Remarks

  • Please park the vehicles above the bridge so that other vehicles can pass.
  • All garbage must be taken away with us! Paper products can be burned if necessary but NOTHING VISIBLE will be left behind - including partially burned food or garbage!
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