
From Peppercascade

Revision as of 14:37, 13 May 2008 by Jennesa (Talk | contribs)
For those going camping this May Long weekend.


Where we're going

  • We are going to the camping spot that some of us stayed at on September long, last year.
  • Dustin's been there a few times too and it is marked on his map [here]
  • Because the camping site is on a peninsula, we'll need to park our cars and canoe the rest of the way.
    • That distance is about 45min, says last year's campers.

Who's going and when

So far, eight people are confirmed:

  1. Brendan - entire day off, wants his car to leave before noon if possible
  2. Allison - 5:00 (at Petro Canada) - this means that the rest of you will have to leave earlier than 5
  3. Jere - entire day off, I want to leave before noon if possible
  4. Jake - 5:00
  5. Alex - 5:00
  6. Mark Peters - 1700
  7. Kristyn (?) - 1930
  8. Jennesa - 2100


  • As of 1600 hours on Monday, May 12, Kristyn is officially unable to attend. I have exhausted every single possibility and swear word I can think of trying to get this Friday off. No can do. I work until 1930, and for me, driving all the way to Rushing River and beyond by myself isn't feasible. Words cannot describe how disillusioned I am with coworkers who are working the whole weekend anyway, or who refuse to switch because it would throw off their "groove." I'm going to go cry now.


  • A number of people are off work late on Friday:
    • Mark is off work (in Winkler) on Friday at 1700
    • Kristyn is off work on Friday at 1930
    • Jenn is off work on Friday at 2100
  • So maybe the three of them can work something out together
    1. Arrive at the campsite late on Friday and get lots of assistance in getting everyone and their stuff to the peninsula (which could be aglow with bonfires and glowsticks)
    2. Arrive at the bridge campsite late on Friday - where everyone will be spending that night
    3. Arrive at the campsite early Saturday morning
    4. Take their own vehicles at their own time (expensive!)
  • Allison: I don't want to go to the camping spot in the dark. Dustin's comments have jogged my memory, and it was hard enough to avoid the submerged trees and rocks in the daytime, nevermind the night. I vote that we camp at the bridge location on Friday night. Then we can also get some use out of the outpost.
    • Boehrb: It doesn't matter to me where I spend Friday night - so long as we are still able to get the peninsula area afterwards
  • Jennesa: Kristyn and Mark do you guys want to meet up somewhere on Friday night after we're all done working and drive up there late to meet people at whichever campsite they happen to be staying that night? I like that idea. Also, do I know this Mark? Mark who are you?


We want to leave on Friday.

Allison: I could meet you guys at the PetroCanada that's just past the perimeter. I could be there by about 5pm. I am available to pack up my car after 9:45pm on Thursday.

Alex: i want to be out by 5, mainly because of daylight, if we leave any later, i think we maybe paddling/ setting up in the dark and i really don't want to do that. get time off if you have to, even hitting that road in the dark could be a problem</blockquote>

Allison: Are we camping at the spot that requires an hour-long (ish... I don't remember) canoe trip? That might pose a small problem, given the amount of daylight. I don't know if we'd find the place if we had to paddle across the lake in the dark. Also, now that there are potentially 9 of us, I'm not sure there'll be room for all the tents at that smaller camping spot. There were really only two good flat locations for tents. I totally call the one Jake and I had last time!

Dustin - Someone should get there by Thursday if you really want the spot. If it is taken there is always the beach and a campsite at the lake to the south.


Say when you need/want to be back by:

  • Allison - before Tuesday
  • Jere - Tuesday and Wednesday off - time is no object
  • Brendan - works at 1600 on Tuesday but would probably like to leave sometime on Monday
  • Kristyn - works wednesday night.

Allison: I don't care when we leave. I need to work on Tuesday, so as long as we're back before then, I'm good. Jere: I have tuesday and wednesday off. So I can leave whenever I have to to get a ride back.


Vehicle planning

  1. Allison's car - leaving at 5 on Friday
    1. Allison
    2. Jake
  2. Alex's car - leaving at 5 on Friday
    1. Alex
  3. Brendan's car - leaving at noon on Friday
    1. Brendan
    2. Jere

  • Mark?
  • Jenn?
  • Kristyn?


These are our available canoes:

  1. Alex's canoe (in Jere's garage)
  2. Mark's canoe (in Jere's garage)
  3. One rental (reserved under Allison's name)

Allison: How does everyone feel about sharing the cost of canoes? My personal feeling is that everyone but Mark and Alex should have to chip in for the canoe. The canoe costs $95 + tax. That's about $27 each (assuming that Allison, Jere, Jake, and Brendan are the contributors). The final cost to each individual will be calculated once we are charged for the canoe.

Update: With Jenn (and possibly Dunn) coming, we would have six participants paying roughly $18 each.
Start your line with a space to make your text look like this, and type three ~ in sequence to insert your name like this: Boehrb
  • Brendan agrees
  • Alex abstains
  • Jere agrees
  • Kristyn agrees



  • Remember that everything we take will need to be carried to the campsite via canoe so don't bring too much.
  • We should plan to share tents,
    • To decrease the amount of stuff carried in the canoes
    • Because the campsite has few ideal tenting locations - there's really only room for three or four tents on level ground

Tent planning:

  1. Brendan's 2-man
    1. Brendan
    2. Jere (if Jen isn't coming)
  2. Alex's 1-man
    1. Alex
  3. Mark's "2" man
    1. Mark (I'm willing to make my own flat ground.)
  4. Jake's Tent
    1. Jake
    2. Allison
  5. Kristyn's "3" man
    1. Kristyn
Dustin says that it would be ideal to bring like one or two giant tents for everyone 
to share. Do we have any giant tents? Kristyn?
Kristyn: I want to set up both of them to check for damage/mildew, but I definitely treated the giant tent worse than the 
three-man. I'll get back to you. 


  • Alex: most 3 man tents fit one person comfortable. mine is technically a two man tent.
    if we are truly worried about space, make it a hard liquor weekend. a 40 of rye takes up way less space than a 24/48 beer would.
    we also have to bring out what we bring in so an empty whiskey bottle takes up less room on the exit. if somebody brings an extra chair, it takes up more room than most tents. AND my tent is not tiny, i am just a big man.
  • Brendan: You're not bringing your 1-man cocoon?

Cooking and eating supplies

Naturally, we should probably share as much cooking equipment as possible.

Pots and pans:

  • Mark's cast pan
  • Kristyn can bring camping dishes for others to use


  • Brendan's propane BBQ
  • Brendan's weird little fold-over grill thing for the campfire
  • Allison's single-burner stove

Allison: I have my own dishes and cooking equipment.

Mark: "I'm thinking about picking up two 5Gallon/18.9litre culligan water containers as our water source. Thoughts?"

Adventuring equipment

Rock Climbing

Those who wish will have the opportunity to do some real rock climbing this weekend. Brendan is a certified wall climbing instructor and has his Level 2 rock climbing certification. Mark probably has qualifications like this too.

  • Brendan is bringing:
    • 50m rope
    • Harness
    • Climbing shoes
    • Many caribeaners, some accessory cords, 1 ATC
    • No helmets or chalk
  • Mark is bringing:
    • Some quick draws
    • Climbing Shoes
    • Slack Line
    • Climbing Harness
    • Chalk
    • Hopefully some slings
    • What I lack in certification I make up for in experience.

Cliff Jumping

There are some cliffs worth jumping off of and probably some worth diving off of. We'll just need to find them ourselves.

Holy crap, you guys plan on swimming? - Kristyn

Dustin - I posted a new placemark on the map of a good cliff jumping spot a lake over (to the south oof the camping spot). The lake also has the best fishing around the area.


I will be fishing for sure. I assume alex will too... anyone else? - Jere

  • Mark Where can we find licence? Is this a major expense?
  • Dustin: You won't have to worry about any CO's in the area, but if you are concerned you can get a licence at the tackle shop by the Husky at the far end of Kenora (closes at 9 or something), or the easiest way I found was getting it online with a creditcard.


  • Brendan's axe and hatchet
  • Brendan's drawing chalk
  • Anyone have a camera? - Allison does
  • I have a wet sack for storage/hanging food.
  • Tarps, rope, tent pegs will be brought by various people

Dustin: If you guys need a grill you could pick mine up at my parents place. I also have a lot of tarps there as well. Just make sure they are completly dried when returned.
I also want to note that the campsite has wooden benches there already so you guys don't need to bring a lot of chairs.
Boehrb: i couldn't find Dustin's grill anywhere
Allison:I don't know how the benches got there, but they are pretty rustic and have no backs. I plan to bring a chair, but it's not necessary for everyone to do so. Even if we did, I think we'll still have room in the canoes since there will probably be two canoes with only two people in them.
Boehrb: Are you saying that the benches are as comfortable as high quality camping chairs? That's important to consider...
Allison: No, I'm not saying that they're as comfortable. They are less comfortable, but they're not UNcomfortable. I just want to be sure that I have a dry spot to sit if it rains, and I know that there isn't enough bench space for all of us.

Still needed


  • A largeish grill that can be put atop a firepit
    • Brendan has one but its quality and size is suboptimal
      • There is a grill at the site already, but it might be a bit rusty.

Dustin's Remarks

-Someone should get there by Thursday if you really want the spot. If it is taken there is always the beach and a campsite at the lake to the south.

-The campsite already has wooden benches that have been there for as long as I can remember, but they do not have beer holders and as Allison noted they do not have back rests either.

-I also suggest you bring one big tent, since there really is only one really smooth camping spot. There is another smaller flat area to the southeast, but other then those 2 spots the rest are either on some sort of incline or littered with roots.


Since it is Spring and if you guys get bored sitting around the campsite their are many things away from the campsite worthwhile.

-There is always the cliff jumping lake you could go to. It is to the south of the campsite. The portage is a bit of a workout but it's not that painful.

  • Mark How high are the cliffs? will it be worth it? Do you have detailed instructions?
    • Dustin I think they are anywhere between 20 - 35'. This is just a guess. The last time I was there was 2005. Please check for depth. Look at the placemark on my map for it's location.

-At the far south end of the lake their is a river with some nice waterfalls. It is spring now so the river is flowing xtra fast. It would be worthwhile to head down there for a day if you have time.

-The caves and crevases are also fun at the northwest end of the lake (where we went last Sept. long).

  • Boehrb: I definitely want to explore some caves.
  • Boehrb: Dusty, do you know of any Indian paintings or "spooky" sites nearby?


The river is faster now in the spring so be xtra careful. It will take experianced paddles in the front to navigate the rocks and trees in the fast moving current. It will also take a bit longer for you to paddle up the river at the end of the weekend. I'm not trying to discourage you guys from going. I have done it a few times in the dark, and I know you guys can do it as well, just make sure you ready for it, because fast moving water with rocks and logs can be dangerous if you are not prepared for it. Just make sure everything is low in the canoes and that it is not top heavy and you should be fine. Have a nice flashlight in front too.

I would suggest the easiest thing to do is camp at the July long spot for the friday night and head out to the site early the next morning in the daylight. It might be hard for some of you to find the campsite in the dark as well. Plus who likes to set up a tent in the night?

Have a great time - wish I could join you guys!

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