
From Parlancia

Revision as of 12:20, 9 February 2008 by Madcat (Talk | contribs)

General Information

Name = Sed

Position = Super Mod/Temporary Admin when necessary

Gender = Male

Age = 19

Date of birth = December 27, 1988

One word sums this Super Moderator. Almighty. Nothing more can be said. Perhaps abusive?

Sovocles, often shortened to Sov, currently holds the top amount of posts. He is known for his spamming abilities and hi-...he'd kill me if I said it in public. :) He is also known for finding, and using, every tiny way possible for abusing his powers. If he can, he will. :)

User comments

Sovvie, my man, how's it going? - John

wow i just noticed sovereign001 and sovereign002. wow im smart XD - Oddslayer

Sovvy!!!<333 - FeelFree

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