
From Parlancia

Revision as of 17:29, 18 June 2008 by Comet buster (Talk | contribs)

General Information

Name = Sed

Position = Super Mod/Temporary Admin when necessary

Gender = Male

Age = 19

Date of birth = December 27, 1988

One word sums this Super Moderator. Almighty. Nothing more can be said. Perhaps abusive?

Sovocles, often shortened to Sov, currently holds the top amount of posts. He is known for his spamming abilities and hi-...he'd kill me if I said it in public. :) He is also known for finding, and using, every tiny way possible for abusing his powers. If he can, he will. :)

Sov was one of the first members to join Parlancia forums (the 8th member) and he quickly became promoted to moderator, first of introductions and the junkyard. He was however quickly promoted to his roll as supermoderator, which he has possessed ever since. The one exception to this was in Gav's absence he has been forum admin. This was approximately a 3 week period. During this time, he abused his admin privileges by increasing his own reputation and causing sovereign001's reputation to fall to under -20000. This was rectified quickly however.

Sov is one of the most talked to of Parlancias members frequently holding conversations with many people at once. He tries to know everyone individually and because of this is widely trusted and regarded as a friend by many.

His character is somewhat risque. His spamming style includes wide use of innuendo, random humor and manipulation of people's posts. He often pictures that are new and refreshing to members, however no-one is quite sure where these pictures come from. Besides spam, Sov is a very conscientious moderator who acts fairly and with Parlancia's best interests at heart. He is always willing to present and back up his view in any situation and is normally highly involved with any decisions made in Parlancia

User comments

Sovvie, my man, how's it going? - John

wow i just noticed sovereign001 and sovereign002. wow im smart XD - Oddslayer

Sovvy!!!<333 - FeelFree

You're my favourite special guy, Sovveh. Love you <3 - Ambika

SOV? Wheres my lemonade, how do you expect me to buy you'r plane tickets back to Mexico if you don't do what I say -:[Comet_buster]

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