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Faible S'évanouir

[edit] Faible S'évanouir

Dark Mage, headmistress of the Auvderan Rebel's Counsil

[edit] Description

Silver-blond hair and beautiful black eyes. They say they're quite alluring, until she shows her true nature. It is said, as well, that she can charm any man with her smile and a wink... it is said that only one person has seen what her body looks below the robe. That very man is dead now.

To place it in few words, she is a vampiress. Subtle of words, subtle of works, subtle of worth and subtly the worse of every evil you could find. Currently, she's the named head of Audvera's counsil. She was the one in charge of executing the orders of Alison in order to make the coup successful. It is said she could sacrifice a whole country to dark forces without flinching. It's debatible wether her emotions are real or merely acting.

Before the coup, she was a sought criminal for her involvement in the dark worshipping. The transition from criminal rat to queen of a country settled her in a state of joy. Now, she forgives herself rather often into pleasures that would place many in a blushing state. Though that doesn't fill her.

[edit] Stats=

Skills: Horrify, Darkness Shroud

Race: Human

Dark Magic, Fire Magic.

Base Stats: Growths: Level 15:

HP 27 45% +7

STR 0 10% +0

MAG 18 80% +14

SKL 8 50% +6

SPD 13 40% +6

DEF 4 15% +2

RES 13 60% +9

LUK 4 10% +0

CON 6 - 6= 6

MOV 5 - 5= 5

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