
From Pabblecard

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Ambiences are kind of like “over rules” that are constant throughout a mode of play. Ambiences are defined at the start of a mode but may be changed by a rule in a mode.


[edit] Ash

Ash are ambient rules that concern the movement of bead on the abacus each turn.

[edit] Ash

  1. Whenever a player plays a card of an alignment, they gain an alignment point of that type. (When they place down a good card, they move an alignment counter to the left. For an evil card they move one to the right.) Neutral cards do not affect alignment.
  2. If a player has played a card the previous turn and the other player plays a card of the same alignment this turn, they gain one point of Uniformity. Otherwise, the player gains one Chaotic Point, so long as a card is played both this turn and the previous turn.
  3. Players may arrange their Personal Row however they wish during their turn.

[edit] Ash-Kavana

The same as Ash except players can only move one bead in their Personal Row during their turn.

[edit] Ash-N

Ash, but the player gains N points for each case, moving N beads on their Alignment and Uniformity Rows.

[edit] Torsh

Torsh are ambient rules that concern Ko-Single Shift.

[edit] Torsh-Alpha

Upon Ko-Single Shift, the Mode is increased by one. If the mode cannot be increased by one, Mathana is invoked.

[edit] Torsh-Beta

Upon Ko-Single Shift, the player draws twelve cards and neutralizes the row which was shifted.

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