Roland le Moissonneur
From Ordo Dracul
Known during this century as Roland le Moissonneur, known throughout time as the Harvester, this brooding figure currently serves a self-imposed role as a Domain holder and peacekeeper of Mercer Island, just outside of the Emerald City. He is Valued by the Daeva, and is known to have an unhealthy interest in the Mehket degeneration commonly known as the Morbus.
When asked what he thought being a 'Dragon' was all about, on the seventeenth of March, 2005, he replied thusly:
"I'm afraid I can't answer that.
I can tell you what I'm about. Maybe that will suffice.
I remember entering a city as one of the Unbound, and knowing that my travels were over... that it was time to rest, and let my preferred prey come to me, for a change. And, after several dozen years, I attended my first gathering of my kind in this city openly, and later spoke to members of all the Covenants, to see what they had to offer me.
The Invictus? The Carthians? Nothing but politics. Little use for a retired soldier there.
The Sanctified? The Crones? Power, yes, but I could not see bending the knee to that which they worship.
But the Dragons... the Dragons offered something more than politics, more than power.
The Dragons offered... potential. The possibility to become something other than I have become. Something much... more.
That is what I am about. The potential offered by the Coils. What they meant to the founder of the Order. What they mean to us now. What they could mean to all our kind in the years to come.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
Should that be what the rest of the Order is about, so be it. I welcome company in my journey towards potentiality.
If not... then not. Their loss. Not mine."
On the twenty-ninth of March, 2006, he wrote a treatise, Of the Principia Draconis.
The results of submitting this to the Covenant at large remains to be seen,
but for now, his former Covenant appears to be leaving him in peace.
He was Axesworn, and a Harvesting Adept of Hunger.
Rumor has it that he is now a member of the Chorus, and is working on becoming a full Acolyte of the Circle of the Crone. It appears that he found a way to bend the knee to someone... or some thing... after all.