Washington DC

From Ordo Dracul

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The Dragons in DC

There has been a strong dragon presence in the Capital City since its earliest days. Mira Cordovera arrived in the late 18th century and helped with the early planning stages of the city; Lilly Drew arrived soon after and became its second prince in the early 19th century. Since then the Dragons have played an active hand in all facets of the city's development, and they take special pride in the unparalleled network of libraries, museums, and research facilities that serves vampiric needs as well as mortal.

The city's first Dragons were associated with the Philadelphian Academy, but soon broke off to form an Academy of their own. DC's founding Kogaion, Donald Kiote, still serves in that position today. Also active in the early years was Lau, a resident of Richmond, who established what would later become a thriving Academy in that city.

From Philadelphia, the DC Academy inherited a uniquely American perspective regarding Ordo functioning ....what would later be called "The Philadelphian Rite." This and the Oriental Rite have become the guiding philosophies of the city, and their dominion is protected fiercely. While followers of other Rites are respected as visitors, those whose viewpoints are incompatible with the prevailing philosophy are (discreetly and diplomatically) encouraged not to settle in DC.

In the early 20th century, when the Ordo in Europe was cowering in fear of the fallout from Stoker's publication, DC's dragons determined to make public statement of their belief that the Ordo was, and should always remain, a public and politically powerful covenant. Eoin Lane claimed praxis and became DC's second Dragon Prince, ruling until 1935. A contract was established with the Navigator bloodline to provide transportation for any European Dragons wishing to immigrate to the States, and as a result the city became a veritable hub of Dragon activity during Eoin's reign. Some of the immigrants chose to settle in DC, including the "Second Generation", a group of active and ambitious Dragons who would set the tone for the next century. Most notable among these were Persephone Hawkins, who was granted the title of "Social Director" for the Ordo in 1935, and the renowned alchemist Augusta de la Cruz. Other 20th century arrivals of note include Amniestos, who has served as Guardian of DC since 1950.

Occultists who visit DC will note unique preponderance of arcane symbolism hidden in artistic and architectural details throughout the city, identifying (and sometimes intensifying) the supernatural currents nearby. While much of this was inspired by Dragons during the building boom of the early 1930's, other covenants and even (it is rumored) other supernatural species have left their own marks upon the city; it is believed that most of the monuments established on or near points of power bear witness to the influence of one supernatural faction or the other.

OOC NOTE: Any PC wishing to "pass through" DC as part of their character history, or play any larger role in DC's background, needs have a chat with our VST or DST. Their contact information can be found in the CDB.

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