San Antonio

From Ordo Dracul

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Ruled by a pseudo Pax Romana Senate governed by "Caesar," a name used by the locals in the place of a Prince. Those who are acknowledged by him are Citizens, and those who are not are Plebes. Plebes have no rights and may be killed at leisure. Any may become a Citizen, but only for a price.

Deep beneath the sewers, lodged in the cavernous realms of the Edward's Aquifer, is a large chamber known simply as the library. It is run by an old Nosferatu woman known as The Librarian. Her library is open to all who seek knowledge, though the most sacred of texts reserved for the Ordo are private. Her shelves are lined with diaries and journals of several vampires throughout San Antonio's history, as well as a few of those outside the city. No one may remove the books from her shelves; those who do are deigned to pay her "late fees."

She is short in stature and her skin is folded upon itself from countless wrinkles. Her face is covered with thick spectacles that magnify the size of her solid black eyes. Closer inspection reveal the lenses are sewn into her flesh rather than held by frames. (1)

The most recent find in San Antonio is an abandoned set of caverns that have been hidden for centuries. The Kindred who discovered these caves describe the presence of an intangible evil that permeates every grain of sand from the ceiling to the walls. Within these corridors is a room centered by a large pit filled with the bones of thousands of dead.

The Ordo currently seek to claim this alleged Wyrm's Nest as their own. Though it was discovered as abandoned for many, many years...someone or something is working to conceal it.

(1) The Librarian was inspired by the comic book Clive Barker's Book of the Damned II, a Hellraiser Companion.

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