
From Ordo Dracul

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The Academy of Greater Cambridgeshire, The Katherine of Aragon Academy.

Named after the Wife of Henry VIII buried at Peterborough Catherdral, the newest Academy to be sponsored, the Katherine of Aragon Academy of Cambridgeshire.

Peterborough is Currently a Chapter House linked with the Academy of London. Working closely with the Dragons of Cambridge and Peterborough, Allucius Canterthorpe-Bowles, hopes to achieve the First new Academy for many decades.

It is hoped that we can still maintain our links with the Academy of London and further the Great Work. Research can be carried out on site or with potential access to the Libraries and Museums in and around the Cambridgeshire area, further developments may come to light. It is hoped that the new Academy will provide sufficient access for all Dragons and allow for unique research oppurtunities.

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