
From Ordo Dracul

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There are many societies within the Ordo Dracul. Some are more public than others.



Among the reverent Ordo Dracul, the Guardians are responsible for looking after mystical sites. The covenant has several reasons for wanting to keep other beings out of these nexuses. First, an uninformed fool with a bit of mystic talent but no proper training (by which the Dragons mean any magical being who is not a member of the covenant) could destroy the site's power and wreak havoc on an entire area. In fact, vampiric urban legend perpetuates tales of ill-performed rites on a particularly powerful site, courtesy of covens of mortal wizards, Lupine shamans and satanic cults. Second, places of power are valuable resources, and when the Order possesses one, that is both an asset for itself and an asset denied to rivals. As counterpoint to this, the Ordo Dracul knows that many of the other covenants of Kindred would destroy such sites rather than let the Dragons make use of them, or at least make them bargain for access. Third, such mystical sites are always changing, and while they normally change over the course of years or decades, sometimes magic takes a great leap forward and the Order likes to know about such events as soon as possible. Finally, the covenant asserts that some sites are truly symbolic or spiritual and deserve protection from defilement as well as from simple destruction.

Guardians are usually those Dragons with a bent toward martial prowess and stealth. They are rarely prepared to end their unlives in pursuit of their duties, however. After all, nothing is permanent, and throwing away an unlife over something that might change in a mere 50 years is just foolish.

Quoted [with edits] from __Mind's Eye Theatre: The Requiem__

  • Becomming a Guardian is not a simple task.
    • To begin with a Dragons Nest must be found or created, then reported to the nearest Kogaion.
    • That Kogaion then picks a group of Sworn of Mysteries to create a profile of skills necessary to guard that Nest.
    • Given this profile the Kogaion requests volunteers to become a Guardian.
    • Once a list of candidates that fit the profile is selected the Kogaion selects a group of Sworn of Dying Light to select from amoung the volunteers who will become Guardian of that Dragon's Nest.


The respected keepers of the Covenants secrets. Always a member of the Sworn the Kogaion may only be removed from office through death, stepping down, or being voted out by seven other Kogaion.

The Kogaion is the keeper of all knowledge of the Dragons Nests in the Academy he is Kogaion for. Along with coordinating anything regarding the Dragons Nests he is also responsible for selecting the Sworn of Dying Light that will select from amoung volunteers wishing to be the new Guardian of a Dragons Nest.

Kogaion are relieved of their duties as Sworn upon taking the office, though they are still bound by their Oath.

The Galliard

The Provost

The Sworn of the Axe

  • The Companion

The Code of the Companion:

Protect the Secrets of the Order, then the Order, then the members of the Order. In battle and peril our word is law, to debate or hesitate is to die. First in peril to us go the first choice of victim, land, and rewards of honor.

  • The Dragon Knight
  • The Grandmaster

Grandmasters are the highest ranked Sworn of the Axe

The Sworn of Dying Light

The Sworn of Mysteries
Policies written by the Mysteries
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