
From Ordo Dracul

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The Ordo Dracul is a hierarchy and obedience is expected of a subordinate. The trick is navigating the complex interaction of Duty, Rank, and Status to figure out at any given moment who is subordinate to whom.

There are ways around orders from a superior, but they tend to include either contradictory orders from another superior that outranks the superior that just gave you an order, or commands that fall well outside the realm of something any self respecting Kindred will do. See Ordo Dracul page 96 for more on Obedience.

Basics are as follows:

  • Sworn have greater authority than any Unsworn.
  • If both are sworn, go by the Highest Title.
  • If both are either Sworn or Unsworn, go by the number of Coils each one's
  • If both have mastered an equal number of Coils, then Status might break the tie.
  • These are basic guidelines and the complexity can increase depending on your

acceptance of Status and whether or not you follow a local Dragon vs. an outsider.

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