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From Ordo Dracul

Revision as of 18:30, 17 July 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

Welcome fellow Dragons The Ordo Dracul claims to follow the teachings of Vlad Tepes, Dracula himself. Dracula claimed to have no sire, but to have struck by God Himself with undeath for his abuse of faith.

The Dragons, as they are known, comprise one of the youngest major factions of the society of the Damned.

Their supposed founder has not been seen in over a century, and his absence further brings the Ordo Dracul into question with some Kindred.

The Order teaches that nothing is permanent, that even vampirism can be overcome. The Dragons have developed a number of supernatural paths that lessen the effects of the Curse, paths they call the Coils of the Dragon. Although there is no evidence of any Kindred fully escaping the Requiem through the Dragons' arcane secrets, the Order's beliefs still attract Kindred of all types and ages into its ranks. All are welcome, so that their knowledge and experiences of the vampiric condition can be shared.

This growing pool of knowledge is one of the Dragons' goals, the more they know of the Curse, the better they can act against it

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