Damek Navratil
From Ordo Dracul
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Basic Information
- Full name: Damek Navratil
- Clan: Gangrel
- Domain: Limburg, Belgium
- Apparent age: 22
Damek is a recent arrival to Domain Limburg, or indeed to Belgium. His first attended Elysium was marked by a conflict with Prince de Merode, over a matter of etiquette.
As a result from this, lady Helena van Kruysberghe, Sworn of Mysteries of the Dragons of Domain Limburg, was forced to claim mentorship over the unruly Gangrel. As another result, the entire Domain was treated to a bizarre spectacle as Damek underwent his punishment (lashing himself with an intricately crafted whip) without batting as much as an eyelash.
When attending an Elysium, Damek is a rather unnerving, animal-like presence. He doesn't seem to say much, preferring to fix other Kindred in his gaze and occasionally flashing a grin at them. He usually stays close to Ms. van Kruysberghe, either sitting or crouching beside her, unless he's sorting some business with his fellow Savages.
He hasn't divulged any information yet on why exactly he's come to Domain Limburg.
- Is a member of the Impaled.
- Is Helena van Kruysberghe's Sire.
- Is the mortal brother of Helena van Kruysberghe's Sire.
- Has solid ties with the Russian mob.
- Is actually a Mekhet, not a Gangrel.
- Has travelled to Belgium to help Ms. van Kruysberghe seize power in domain Limburg.
- Is the leadsinger of an obscure band called 'Living Daylight'.
- Has such a deep understanding of/connection with the Beast that he found a way of being in a constant, controlled frenzy.
- Can shift into a 2m / 6'4" tall hawk.
- Is a Sworn of the Axe.
- Is the physical manifestation of the Demon Ms. van Kruysberghe has made a pact with.
- Is nothing but a whole bunch of trouble for everyone who comes near him.
- Is nicknamed Dumb-ek in Limburg.
- Is a Muslim.
Others about Damek Navratil
- Marcel Vanerum: "As ich even fel afging op een eerste indruk als hij, dan had em nu al een schop onder z'n kont gehad. Maar mevrouw van Kruysberghe ziet iets in em, dus hij zal wel ok zijn." (Translation: "If I would go for first impressions the way he does, he would've gotten a kick under his ass already. But lady van Kruysberghe sees something in him, so he's probably ok.")
- Helena van Kruysberghe: "I don't trust him ofcourse, but while completely undependable, he's the most dependable Kindred I know. Sometimes I wish I could see farther behind that ever-present mocking grin, although that would be a Great Work in itself. He might seem like a right bastard to some, but such classifications are quite beyond whatever it is that he's become. Never forget that he's an Alder and to be respected."
- Sir Reinhard Amadeus Van Broeckzele : "When I first met "Vratila" in 1843, it wasn't under the best of circumstances. We fought each other a whole night long and though he was just a puppy back then he put up a damn good fight. I even enjoyed it, his claws against my blades, he proved to be a rare challenge. It was in a coöperate hunt a bit later that he earned my respect and friendship and there aren't many that can say that. Whatever you do don't make this man pissed at you... you won't see the next night..."
- Marcel Vanerum (after reviewing his opinion): "Ich denk da ich mevrouw van Kruysberghe haar eerste vergissing heb zien begaan, toen ze hem in bescherming nam. Ich hoop da ze oppast, want hondsdolheid is besmettelijk en dodelijk." (Translation: "I think I saw Lady van Kruysberghe make her first mistake, when she took him in protection. I hoop she's careful, because rabies is contagious and lethal.")