From Ordo Dracul
Revision as of 19:38, 18 July 2006
Capital of the Twilight Isle
London has a high concentration of Dragons, this is possibly due to the fact it was the last city where two of the brides were seen. London also plays host to the Academy of the Arts.
NB: It is worth noting that "London" and the "City of London" are separate. The "City of London" is the Invictus held domain comprising the Square Mile Elysium (essentially the area within the old Roman Walls, the oldest part of London, containing the financial district and St Paul's Cathedral).
What the Ordo would know.
This document lays out information that members of the Ordo Dracul who were in London for the various events in the Ordo Dracul history would "know" on an IC basis. More in depth knowledge can be gained through IC actions.
Grand Dragon Council
Any Ordo in London in July 1782 would likely have attended this gathering. It was held in Smithfield Market, just outside the old city walls on the edge of the Square Mile.
The meeting was hosted officially by a vampire called Claudiu Stanescu, who was treated with significant respect by those Ordo Dracul who were resident in London. Most believe him to be the first member of the covenant publicly acknowledged as such in the city by the 1st and 2nd Estates.
The Council took place over three nights, from 13th July to 15th July.
No members of other covenants were present.
Lisette was seen on the second and third nights of the Council, and treated with respect as the Kogaion of London. Anouska was seen on the first and third nights.
Departure of Anouska
Anouska left England for "parts East" in the Spring of 1783.
The Ordo Dracul embraced a number of mortals interested in the new fashion for spirituality, artefacts, myths and legends that grew as the British Empire expanded. But they reduced their public presence.
There was competition to gain most from this new interest in spirituality from the Circle of the Crone, who had previously been all but unknown in London. A woman named Astrid Graves led a small coterie of neonate Crones.
Scientific Method
The Royal Institution was a closed shop to the Ordo Dracul.
It is widely considered that the covenant had links with and influence over The Royal Society, from as far back as the late 17th century.
1800-1837 - Ordo Dracul retire from public life
The Lord Mayor of London, Lucius Aemilianu of the Invictus, took back power in the City of London in 1798.
The Bishop of Spitalfields, Lorenzo de Montefeltro, was the most senior Lancea Sanctum in London.
Edward Greenslade, the childe of Lorenzo, joined the Ordo Dracul, angering his sire.
The Ordo Dracul, who had significant numbers, were a potential threat to Lucius entrenching his power.
Seeing this double danger, Lisette guided the Ordo towards hiding themselves away so as not to provoke the 1st and 2nd estates.
Many Ordo hid, many called themselves "Unaligned", and a few claimed to be members of other covenants.
1889 - Lisette leaves for parts East
Lisette announced to the Ordo Dracul in London as a whole that she was travelling to visit her sister, Anouska, in India.
It was expected that Lisette would pass the responsibility of Kogaion to one of her close confidants. Claudiu Stanescu was the favourite. Instead she gave the responsibility to a scholar named Brandon. It's not clear whether she wanted him to be a regent or take the position permanently.
1897 - Publication of 'Dracula'
The publication angered the Invictus and the Lancea Sanctum. The Ordo Dracul emerged from hiding as a pre-emptive tactic.
Astrid Graves and her coterie revealed themselves as Ordo Dracul. They disappeared in mysterious circumstances soon afterward.
A number of "unaligned" revealed themselves as Ordo Dracul.
A minor Invictus named Ralph Redfearn revealed himself as Ordo Dracul.
Two Nosferatu, Mr Lord and Mr Butler, brought three hidden Ordo Dracul to face Lord Mayor Lucius. There were some very vague rumours that they might also have killed some other Ordo Dracul, but nobody ever made an accusation.
Lots of Ordo Dracul travelled to London. A vampire called Marcus Silversleeves helped visiting Ordo find places where Vlad Tepes was rumoured to have visited, and other areas of mystic power. There are a lot of stories of sightings of Vlad Tepes in London at this time.
Lucius met with Brandon, and they made an agreement;
- The Ordo Dracul agreed not to involve themselves in the politics of the City of London or seek influence which might threaten the Invictus.
- The Ordo Dracul agreed to reside some distance away from the centre of London.
- It was agreed that the Dragon would deal with matters of discipline among their own.
Dragolescu was known as outlined in the Ordo Dracul covenant book. No details are known of the Blue Hand Massacre beyond rumour, similarly the 1933 meeting.
A young Ordo from the Sworn of Mystery went missing.
In 1948 the Sworn of the Twighlight Isle was disbanded.
In August 1999 the Sworn of the Twighlight Isle made themselves known once more.
Knowledge as per the Ordo Dracul covenant book.
Dr Henry Weeks still resides in London, but travels widely and attends gatherings only on special occasions.
It is noted the Dr Henry Weeks and Vincent Van-Damme never attend the same functions together.
Living Documentation
March 2005
With the disappearence and reputed death of Brandon, Audric Delano is temporarily installed as the Keeper of Secrets until a new Kogaion could be agreed upon.
October 2005
A Kogaion is agreed upon by the Sworn of London. The new Kogaion's name is not displayed for security reasons.