Helena K. van Kruysberghe

From Ordo Dracul

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== Basic Information ==
*'''Full name:''' Helena Kristina van Kruysberghe
*'''Clan:''' Mekhet
*'''Domain:''' Limburg, Belgium
*'''Apparent age:''' 27
*'''Specialities:''' Ancient Cultures, Languages, Occult Artefacts
== Titles ==
* Primogen of Prince de Mérode in domain Limburg
* Sworn of Mysteries of the Ordo Dracul, Academy Limburg
* Priscus of clan Mekhet in domain Limburg
== Reputation ==
Helena has only rather recently been formally introduced into the vampire community, and as a result very little is actually known about her. As most Mekhet, she leads a very secretive life, and what she has been doing before Limburg proclaimed itself an independent domain is a mystery to most. What Kindred that have met her do acknowledge though, is that she is a remarkably intelligent and well-educated woman, probably coming from a family of high standing, as her name indicates.
Helena has been active in domain Limburg from its very beginnings. Therefore she enjoys a high status in her domain, partially because of her position as Primogen to the Prince, lord de Merode, and partially because of her influence over the Limburg Academy.
Taciturn as she might be, she’s not a lady to underestimate. Though she usually stays open for discussion, her word is final in many matters, and she leads her covenant in the same spirit: with a gentle, yet firm hand.
== Trivia ==
* Has an extensive knowledge of languages.
* Has written a number of succesfull horror novels.
* Enjoys gardening, in particular growing roses.
* Has a rather Victorian mindset about most matters.
* Has a profound interest in psychology, in particular the experiments of renowned scientists such as Pavlov, Watson, Skinner, Asch and Franklin.
== Quotes ==
''About herself:''
* "Conceal nothing, and let the fools search forever."
''About the Ordo Dracul:''
* "Without order nothing can exist, without chaos nothing can evolve."
* "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."
* "No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it. We must learn to see the world anew."
* "Every great achievement was once thought impossible."
''To Individuals:''
* To Karen Stoffels: "Ofcourse I think marriage has its uses, my dear. I never knew what true happiness was untill I got married. And then it was too late."
== Rumours ==
* Haven is located in the centre of Hasselt, Limburg.
* Has an agreement with [http://www.editthis.info/circle_of_the_crone/Staff._Dr._Gerhardt_Thielemann Gerhardt Thielemann]about the coöperation of the Ordo Dracul and the [http://www.editthis.info/circle_of_the_crone/Main_Page Circle of the Crone].
* Has plans to use the Ordo Dracul to overthrow the Invictus in domain Limburg and claim Praxis herself.
* Is actually a spy of the Invictus planted within the Ordo Dracul to gain inside information.
* Was embraced over 150 years ago.
* Is the sire of Karen Stoffels, also a member of the Ordo Dracul.
* Has great knowledge of the occult and, in the past, has succesfully placed curses on her enemies.
* Has made a pact with a demon to gain a great amount of power in Kindred society.
* Is the Childe of [http://www.editthis.info/ordo_dracul/Damek_Navratil Damek Navratil], who has recently appeared in domain Limburg.
* Is the Childe of Jarek Navratil, [http://www.editthis.info/ordo_dracul/Damek_Navratil Damek Navratil]'s mortal brother.
* Is a member of the Impaled, but does not want anyone to know this.
* Sustains a deadly feud with Mikhaïl Petrovich, Sworn of the Axe of domain Limburg.
* Is actually nothing but a puppet of Jan Houben, the Hound of de Mérode.
== Others about Helena van Kruysberghe ==
* [http://lanceasanctum.org/Marcel_Vanerum Marcel Vanerum] of the [http://lanceasanctum.org/Main_Page Lancea Sanctum] Limburg: "Da's een sjieke madame, heel bekwaam en heel vriendelijk. Soms ewa streng, ma een madame van stand verdient respect, hè." (Translation: "That's a fancy madam, very competent and very friendly. Sometimes she's a bit strict, but as a woman of standing she deserves respect.)
* [http://www.editthis.info/circle_of_the_crone/Staff._Dr._Gerhardt_Thielemann Gerhardt Thielemann] of the Limburgian Crone: "I wish I knew what to think of her. She's a mystery from the Mother or the Dragon's cunning plan. Either way I concider her an ally despite our differences."
==Contact Info==
'''[mailto:lucinda_productions@hotmail.com (ooc: Anne Roussard)]'''

Current revision as of 21:52, 14 March 2012

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