Georgia (state)

From Oneiropedia

Georgia, also called "The Peach State," is a southern U.S. state.


James Oglethorpe had a significant amount to do with the history of Georgia, including founding the city of Savannah. Then during the Civil War, General Sherman marched on through with some kick-ass total war, culminating in the burning of Atlanta. Georgia has had better days since then. The whole Confederacy thing was probably a bad idea.

Famous exports

Many famous things and people have come from Georgia, including:

  • Jimmy Carter, former peanut farmer of these United States.
  • Ted Turner, media mogul and obsessive crayola-scibbler.
  • Coca-Cola, sugary sweet contraceptive.
  • Peaches.
  • R.E.M., who can't go back to Rockville.
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