Talk:August 21

From Oklahoma

Revision as of 15:38, 18 October 2012 by (Talk)
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He left me and my unborn son all alone. I dont know what to do and im so dseprseed and dont accept these conditions. Right away instead of going to friends for advice or playing the same game he did, I went straight to church. All i do is pray and read the word asking God to help me get through this and restore my family. I dont want my son being raised in a broken family like I was. Now is when im really seaking God and the only time when im not crying and dseprseed is when im learning his word. Im trying to pray for my babys father that he changes, that God can touch his heart and that he can be a great father and future husband to me. I dont know what to do anymore. Everytime i pray more things seem to get worse.

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