Asian American

From Oklahoma

(Difference between revisions) (Talk)

Current revision as of 06:12, 19 October 2012

I'm a wedding phaegorophtr and I have been going back and forth on this one for a LONG time. I have also been advised by professionals in my industry to not list my prices so that the client is focused on me and my work and not the price, but it has never felt right leaving it out. It seems sneaky or dishonest somehow. After all, how does that client know they are getting the same price as everyone else? I totally agree with Fabeku Fatunmise's comment. I would probably never contact someone if I was shopping online and they didn't list prices. It's just how it is. Almost every e-mail contact I get through my site asks me the same question: how much are your packages? I then send the price list and most of the time never hear from them again, most likely because I am out of their budget, or by the time I send it, they have already booked a consultation with a phaegorophtr they know is in their price range. I have tried putting up a range or starting point, but I think that was too vague and I got barely any inquiries. My clients don't buy online either, but I think that if they knew up front what I offer and what they can afford it, then by the time they contact me, they should be ready to buy rather than shocked with the price. I think this post has finally sealed the deal for me. Prices go back up asap! Thanks

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