Octocontra-alto and octocontrabass clarinet

From Oddwinds

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The octocontra-alto (or octocontralto) clarinet (Category 2) plays in Eb, an octave below the contra-alto clarinet. Reportedly Leblanc made a grand total of three of these instruments, in an all-metal paperclip design. They go down to a low (written) C.

If that's not low enough, the octocontrabass clarinet (Category 2) plays in Bb, an octave below the contrabass clarinet. Leblanc made only one of these instruments, also in an all-metal paperclip design, which is owned by George Leblanc. It goes down to a low (written) C.

And if that's not low enough, in 2002 one Gregg Bailey reported to the Contrabass List his experiments with a 64 foot (actual length) PVC subcontrabass clarinet (Category 2)! It had no tone holes, so could play only one note (which was CCCCC), though he built it so 4-foot sections could be added and removed.

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